Oslofjordfondet project
Project duration: 2014-2017
Project budget: 1 mill. €
Project Abstract
The main goal in Kryolang is to secure access to healthy
food and related data in the future. In this project we
merge two technologies in a unique way. The cryopres-
ervation of plant material is blended with the long term
storage of information on a migration free preservation
medium (Photosensitive film). We are actively working
on ways to cryopreserve both plant material and the
relevant data about the plant material (metadata) in the
same infrastructure.
Our plan for the future is to develop a collection of
living plant material using cryopreservation technique.
This means to store small shoot tips of plants in micro-
tubes at -196 °C. This collection is supposed to contain
all clean plant material of vegetatively propagated plant
material in the world and therefore stand as an interna-
tional data backup in case of crisis such as floods, earth
quakes etc. Such catastrophes could cause a loss of plant
material, even their distinction. The cryocollection will
prevent such loss of such valuable plant material.
The information and the relevant metadata for the
plants will be written onto a secure, migration-free
preservation medium (film). The film contains a hybrid
and redundant solution with digital data and visual/hu-
man readable information eg. color images. All informa-
tion needed to access and understand the information
sometime in the future is included on the medium it-
self. The solution is fully integrated into IT systems, data
are searchable (in real time) and accessible. No specific
hardware or software is needed in the future to retrieve
and access the data.
This will be a parallel to what the Svalbard Seed Vault is
for seed propagated plants, but for clonal varieties that
cannot be propagated through seed, such as cultivars of
potato, fruit, berries and flower crops.
Project Partners
• Grønn Næringskompetanse
• Sagaplant, Norwegian national plant health center, a
leader in producing climate-adapted, disease controlle-
dand genuine planting material
• NIBIO, Norwegian Institute of Bio Economy Research
is owned by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food as an
administrative agency
• Vestbø Bjørg Eriksrud, Norwegian cultivator of
• Norner Research AS, Norwegian independent
industrial polymer institute
• Piql AS
(BIA 235412 - EUREKA)
Norwegian Research Council and Eureka Project status
Project duration: 2014-2017
Project budget: 2 mill. €
Project Abstract
Due to the large (and growing) market opportunity for
long term preservation of digital data, the proposed and
demonstrated technology from the Eurostars project
"Archivator" (E!4863) shall be driven forward into a fu-
ture roadmap. It targets for higher writing and reading
speed, and increased data density on the preservation
medium to cope with expected data growth scenarios.
Higher writing and reading speed requires faster pro-
cessing algorithms and electronics as well as a different
approach of transporting the preservation medium fast-
er and at the same time more precisely. Increased data
density on the preservation medium can be achieved
both with higher resolution as well as by multiple spec-
trally separated data layers. Such multilayer preservation
medium is developed in the Eurostars project "MiLoS"
(E!7360). Higher resolution and multiple data layers need
ultra-high performance multispectral optical systems
both for the writing and the reading system.
Project Partners
• In-Vision, Austrian experts in Digital Imaging Optics
• Norner Research, Norwegian independent industrial
polymer institute
• Chevin Technologies, British expert in design and con-
sultancy services in FPGA and Embedded Systems for
digital communications and data storage applications
R&D Projects
- Overview