Preparing for the job of the
21st Century Superintendent
July9–13, 2018
“So much more than a ‘program’—more of
an opportunity designed to ignite your desire
to lead school districts in IL in the company of
a group of peers who share your aspirations
and changing!”
Mon., July9– Fri. July13,
8am to 4pm daily
IASA headquarters
2648 Beechler Court, Springfield, IL 62703
Have you ever wondered
what you didn’t learn in
graduate school but may
need to know in order to
be an effective leader?
Tuition includes a daily continental breakfast and lunch,
resource materials and lodging for the entire week,
Sunday–Thursday (check-out Friday). The Learning
Academy will run from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day. IASA
will make lodging arrangements for participants at
the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 3000 South Dirksen Parkway in
Springfield. Applicant agrees to pay $1,500 for the five
day experience, non-refundable. Limited scholarships
available. Applicant must be able to attend the entire
week and must submit a personal narrative and a letter
of support from your District Superintendent.
• Presented by Michael Lubelfeld, Ed.D.
and Nick Polyak, Ed.D.
• Professional learning network
• Immersive learning experience five
•Working/Networking Dinners
• Access to screening interviews with
state/national search firms
• Illinois Administrators’ Academy Credit
• Relationships that will last your career
and your lifetime.
Application Deadline:
Friday, March 16, 2018
“It was an incredible experience that I will
not soon forget. Well worth the money,
time and effort...”
—from Academy graduates
If you are thinking about becoming a school
superintendent then
in July 2018 is just for you!
Contact Ashleigh Knudson
Illinois Association of School Administrators
217–753–2213 or
view more information on our website.