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ENTSOG TYNDP 2017 Public consultation questionnaire

PAGE 6: General feedback


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ENTSOG organised a workshop in July 2016 to

inform stakeholders on the input data to TYNDP and

subsequently published this data on its website:

demand, supply, gas quality, information on projects.

Has this been useful to you?


ENTSOG introduced a number of new elements in

TYNDP 2017. Please indicate which 3 you find the most





Indication how TYNDP scenarios comply with the

EU energy and climate targets


Qualitative approach to LNG embedded



Advanced project status


Do some TYNDP elements require better explanation? Which ones?

Some of the parameters used for the Demand Scenarios should be described in more detail. It is important to

specify the absolute value and/or the percentage value of factors characterizing the different scenarios, such as the

level of renewables deployment (overall e per sector), the electrification of the heating sector and the transport

sector, instead of just grading them as low, moderate or high.

In addition, we highlight that the Spanish gas demand for the period 2017-2022, in all TYNDP 2017 scenarios, is

too optimistic. It is between 10%-22% higher than the demand forecasted by the Spanish Regulatory Authority

(NRA) and the Spanish Ministry. The reason of such difference should be explained.

Spanish NRA and Ministry gas demand forecasts for 2017-2022 can be found at the following link:

Spanish TSO forecast for 2017 can be found here:


Finally, regarding the infrastructure section, we call for the publication of the investment costs of projects promoted

by TSOs. In fact, the concern expressed on page 129 - “Investment costs are for project promoters in many cases

commercially sensitive information and might have the potential to negatively affect the competitive position of

project promoters vis-à-vis contractors “ – do not apply to TSOs. We deem also important to have in the TYNDP at

least the investment costs aggregated by National Network Development Plan or by region (maintaining the split by

projects with FID, advanced projects non-FID and less advanced projects non-FID).


Is there additional information you would like to find in TYNDP?

We would like to see - in Annex C, per country - data allowing the understanding of the contribution of each of the

final sectors to the increase/decrease of gas demand and electricity demand.

Moreover, each of the three on-target scenarios should be detailed in terms of GHG emissions reduction, RES

shares and Energy Efficiency improvement achieved.


TYNDP is made up of the Main Report and

Annexes. The Main Report is an in-depth document.

Once final, it may or not be published as a printed

version. Annexes are made available only in electronic

format. Would you appreciate to have the TYNDP Main

Report available only in electronic version?
