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Valley, which, incidentally, is


Washington, and is pronounced


and not


the basic fermentation principles are

forever the same. Cider has been made for thousands of years and due

to the fearful, muddy hogwash our rural folk insist on inflicting upon

their customers, it is widely neglected by those who should know


As a matter of fact, and with all due credit to our Pacific North–

west stalwarts, the tart, more flavourful Eastern apples really are

better for fine cider-apples like the favourite winesap, for instance.

The rules are really quite simple.


Use apples not quite ripe,


we want sparkle, snap and finest flavour

in cider.


Don't be both lazy and stingy by gathering up a bin of wormy wind–

falls, unless .we really admire that sad bruised-apple taste. Cider is an

important business and deserves first grade fruit, not something we

wouldn't dare feed to swine. Science has not yet been able to announce

any virtue in crushed worms, entirely aside from their distinct lack of


Inferior fruit is what ruins most ciders.

3. Mellow these apples for


days to


wks, depending on briskness of

weather-the colder the longer-by spreading them out on dry straw


a dry barn. This permits mucilage to break down, and perhaps the

starch, for all of us!-and starts development of carbonic acid which

insures that delightful sparkle so lacking in almost all professional, and

most amateur, ciders.

4. The apples are now ground to a pulp and juice pressed out through

coarse strong cotton bags. A small hand cider press is used in small

amounts, filtering the juice well.

5· Put juice in open tub or vat at a constant temperature of around 60°

Fahrenheit, covered with a cloth to prevent entry of dust, entomological

specimens, and general rural addenda. . . . Allow


days for weak


8 to


days for strong; or in latter event, when sediment has sub–

sided. Beyond this point the vinegar trend develops apace--abortive

and acid beverage, at best, and not one to be admired.

6. Rack off into clean wooden kegs and store in cellar where fairly cool,

even temperature is assured.

7· Drink now if we cannot wait, but remember it will really


a divine

nectar by the coming spring!

. 158 •