Tide of Bill
Position at 3 July, 1980.
Turf Development Bill,
To amend and extend the Turf Development
Acts, 1946 to 1975, by increasing the borrowing
powers of Bord na Móna.
15 Nov.
1979 (Dáil)
Passed by Dáil Éireann 24/4/80.
Passed by both Houses of the
Oireachtas 17/6/80.
Agriculture (Amendment) Bill,
To amend the Agriculture Acts, 1931 to 1974,
to provide for the appointment of Committees of
Agriculture by each council of a County.
30 Nov.
1979 (Dáil)
Passed by Dáil Éireann 20/5/80.
Passed by both Houses of the
Oireachtas 4/6/80.
Pyramid Selling Bill, 1980
To prohibit the inducing of persons to participate
in pyramid selling schemes and to provide for
other related matters.
16 Jan.
1980 (Dáil)
Passed by Dáil Éireann 24/6/80.
Passed by both Houses of the
Oireachtas 2/7/80.
National Institute for Higher
Education, Limerick, Bill,
To establish the National Institute for Higher
Education, Limerick, on a statutory basis and to
provide for other related matters.
4 Feb.
1980 (Dáil)
Passed by Dáil Éireann 24/6/80.
Passed by both Houses of the
Oireachtas 3/7/80.
Packaged Goods
(Quantity Control)
Bill, 1980
To make provision for a new system of control
over the quantity contained in packaged goods.
Based on system set out in 2 EEC Directives,
75/106/EEC and 76/211/EEC.
26 Feb.
1980 (Dáil)
Passed by Dáil Éireann 21/5/80.
Passed by both Houses of the
Oireachtas 4/6/80.
Rates on Agricultural Land
(Relief) Bill, 1980.
To allow relief of rates on certain agricultural
land by amending and extending the Rates on
Agricultural Land (Relief) Acts, 1939 to 1978.
25 March,
1980 (Dáil)
Passed by Dáil Éireann 18/6/80.
Passed by both Houses of the
Oireachtas 25/6/80.
Land Bond Bill, 1980
To amend S.6 of the Land Bond Act, 1934 (as
amended by the Land Bond Act, 1978) by
increasing the total amount of land bonds created
and issued under the 1934 Act to not more than
£5 million.
1 April
1980 (Dáil)
Passed by Dáil Éireann 1/5/80.
Passed by both Houses of the
Oireachtas 7/5/80.
Arbitration Bill, 1980
To enable two international Conventions on
arbitration to be ratified — the 1958 New York
Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement
of Foreign Arbitral Awards and the 1965
Washington Convention on the Settlement of
Investment Disputes between States and
nationals of other States. Also amends the
Arbitration Act 1954, in relation to the power of
a court to stay legal proceedings in a matter
which is the subject of an arbitration agreement.
10 April
1980 (Dáil)
Passed by Dáil Éireann 20/5/80.
Passed by both Houses of the
Oireachtas 28/6/80.
Prisons Bill, 1980
Provides for the continuation in operation of S.
2 of the Prisons Act, 1972, as amended by the
Prisons Act, 1977, relating to the transfer of
prisoners to military custody, until 31 May,
21 April
1980 (Dáil)
Passed by Dáil Éireann 6/5/80.
Passed by both Houses of the
Oireachtas 21/5/80.
Finance Bill, 1980
To change and impose certain duties of customs
and inland revenue (including exise) to amend the
law relating to customs and inland revenue
(including exise) and to make further provisions
in connection with finance.
29 April
1980 (Dáil)
Passed by Dáil Éireann 12/6/80.
Passed by both Houses of the
Oireachtas 24/6/80.
Fishery Harbour Centres
Bill, 1980
Amends Sec. 4(6) (a) of the Fishery Harbour
Centres Act, 1968, by increasing the fine from
£100to £500 and amends the Schedule to the
1968 Act by substituting "Rossaveel" for
30 April
1980 (Dáil)
Passed by Dáil Éireann 24/6/80.
Passed by both Houses of the
Oireachtas 24/6/80.
Local Government
(Building Land) Bill, 1980
To enable Local Authorities to designate land
required for development and to enable Local
Authorities to acquire land at existing use value
in the forthcoming five years. Provides for the
establishment of a Lands Tribunal which will be
chaired by a Judge of the High Court.
12 May
1980 (Dáil)
Defeated (Dáil) 11/6/80.