Patrick J. Madigan & Co.,
33 Raglan Road,
Dublin 4.
August 12th, 1980.
The Secretary.
Incorporated Law Society of Ireland,
Blackhall Place,
Dublin 7.
Re: High Court-Constitutional Action Patrick Madigan &
Ors. v. Attorney General. Challenge to Rent Restrictions
Dear Sir,
As you are no doubt aware, Judge McWilliam in the
High Court on April 18 last declared Parts II & IV of the
Rent Restrictions Acts unconstitutional.
This will obviously be of interest to the Members of the
Profession. To assist your Members, I enclose copy of
Judge McWilliam's Order and a copy of the Judgment,
which you could make availabe to Practitioners, if they
require same.
I also enclose copy Notice of Appeal and wish to
confirm that the Attorney General has in fact appealed
the case and it is expected that the hearing will come on in
the Supreme Court in or around November next.
I will keep the Society informed of developments.
Yours sincerely,
Patrick J. Madigan
Civil Office,
Metropolitan District Courthouse,
Morgan Place,
Dublin 7.
25th August, 1980.
The Secretary,
Dublin Solicitors' Bar Association,
9 / 10, Ely Place,
Dublin 2.
Re: Sean O'Braonain Appeal Fund
Dear Sir,
I am happy to inform you of the successful outcome of
the Sean O'Braonain Appeal Fund, which amounted to
the sum of £1 , 961.
I enclose herewith the relevant Bank Statements and
other documents certifying same, except for the sum of
£ 2 50 being the amount of two cheques for £100 and
£ 1 50 from the Dublin Solicitors' Bar Association and the
Solicitors' Benevolent Society respectively. These cheques
were made payable to Mrs. O'Braonain and were sent to
her directly by me.
To summarise:
By Cheques (2) Payable to Mrs.
O'Braonain herself
By Subscriptions to No. 2
Cheques transferred to
Mrs. O'Braonain
To Bank Drafts to
Mrs. O'Braonain from
No. 2 A/C
To Current A/C
£ 1.00
I wish to thank the Association for its excellent
response to the Appeal and for the goodwill evoked in
such a deserving cause.
Yours faithfully,
John G. Tidd
48, St. Peter's Crescent,
Dublin 12.
25th August, 1980.
The Secretary,
Dublin Solicitors' Bar Association,
9 / 10 Ely Place,
Dublin 2.
Dear Sir,
It is with deep appreciation that I wish to acknowledge
your expression of sympathy on the death of my dear
husband Sean R.I.P., conveyed to me through Mr. Tidd
of the District Court.
Might I also take this occasion to thank the Dublin
Solicitors' Bar Association and the Solicitors' Benevolent
Association in so thoughtfully coming to my financial
assistance at the time of Sean's death.
Furthermore I wish to thank the many individual
Solicitors and Firms, who in appreaciation of Sean's
service over the years, contributed to a fund set up by Mr.
Tidd and his staff to my benefit.
The widespread kindness has been overwhelming, and
I shall always remember it in deep appreciation.
Yours sincerely,
Maura O Braonáin.
International Ireland Ltd.
143 Lower Drumcondra Road,
Dublin 9.
Telephone 376758 - 378371.
Telex: 31312.
-ft Couriers to the Legal World.
Specialist in Document Handling.