The Register
Issue of New Land Certificate
An application has been received from the registered owners
mentioned in the Schedule hereto for the issue of a Land Certificate in
substitution for the original Land Certificate issued in respect of the
lands specified in the Schedule which original Land Certificate is stated
to have been lost or inadvertently destroyed. A new Certificate will be
issued unless notification is received in the Registry within twenty-eight
days from the date of publication of this notice that the original Certi-
ficate is in existence and in the custody of some person other than the
registered owner. Any such notification should state the grounds on
which the Certificate is being held.
Dated this 31st day of March, 1980.
W. T. MORAN (Registrar of Titles)
Central Office, Land Registry, Chancery Street, Dublin 7.
(1) Registered Owner: Thomas Anthony Murphy; Folio No.:
29940; Lands: Coolineagh; Area: 167a. 3r. 21p.; County: Cork.
(2) Registered Owner: Michael Sheridan; Folio No.: 477F.; Lands:
Drumhalry; Area: la. lr. 5p.; County: Longford.
(3) Registered Owner: Paul Keaveney and Pauline Keaveney; Folio
No.: 23057; Lands: Tonafortes; Area: 0a. Ir. 4p.; County: Sligo.
(4) Registered Owner: Joseph Quirke; Folio No.: 551 IF; Lands:
Ballyvouden; Area: 0a. 3r. 22p.; County: Limerick.
(5) Registered Owner: William Crowley; Folio No.: 1389; Lands:
Maulane East; Area: 54a. 2r. 27p.; County: Cork.
(6) Registered Owner: Seán McTaggart; Folio No.: 17850; Lands:
(1) Launtaggart, (2) Launtaggart; Area: (1) 1 a. Or. 10p., (2) 2a. Or.
10p.; County: Leitrim.
(7) Registered Owner: Michael McMahon; Folio No.: 3726; Lands:
Ardskeagh; Area: 3.838a.; County: Clare.
(8) Registered Owner: Eileen Campbell; Folio No.: 16183L; Lands:
Oldbawn; Area: 0a. Or. 5p.; County: Dublin.
(9) Registered Owner: Nora O'Brien; Folio No.: 7431 (Revised);
Lands: Gortalinny; Area: 25a. Ir. 32p.; County: Kerry.
(10) Registered Owner: Thomas O'Keeffe; Folio No.: 12085;
Lands: Newrath; Area: 28a. 2r. 33p.; County: Kilkenny.
(11) Registered Owner: Richard Simmons; Folio No.: 1991; Lands:
Ballyemock; Area: 94a. 3r. 27p.; County: Wexford.
(12) Registered Owner: Thomas Butler; Folio No.: (a) 11950, (b)
5624; Lands: (a) Blackstairs, (b) Blackstairs; Area: 131a. 3r. Op., (b)
76a. Or. 5p.; County: Tipperary.
(13) Registered Owner: Joseph Mooney; Folio No.: 4608; Lands:
Teltown; Area: 27a. Or. 5p.; County: Meath.
(14) Registered Owner: Thomas Gilmer Hamilton; Folio No.: 2531
(Revised); Lands: Threecastles; Area: 135a. 2r. 25p.; County:
(15) Registered Owner: John Mannion; Folio No.: 48130; Lands:
(1) Cargin, (2) Kilbeg, (3) Cargin; Area: (1) 10a. 3r. Op., (2) 7a. 3r.
8p., (3) 13a. 2r. 19p.; County: Galway.
(16) Registered Owner: John J. Mahony; Folio No.: 9498; Lands:
(I) Garraun, (2) Knock brack; Area: (1) 7a. 3r. 1 lp., (2) 8a. lr. 27p.;
County: Kerry.
(17) Registered Owner: David Twomey; Folio No.: 2617L; Lands:
The leasehold interest in the property situate to the South of Boherboy
in the Parish of Rathcooney; Area: 0a. Or. 9p.; County: City of Cork.
(18) Registered Owner: James O'Dwyer; Folio No.: 8418; Lands:
Gortnasna; Area: 23a. Ir. 2 lp.; County: Cork.
(19) Registered Owner: John Lavin; Folio No.: 579; Lands:
Creevagh; Area: 35a. 3r. 32p.; County: Sligo.
(20) Registered Owner: Walter Potts; Folio No.: 5762; Lands:
Cornacreeve; Area: 15a. lr. 24p.; County: Monaghan.
(21) Registered Owner: Guy Davis and Elizabeth J. Davis; Folio
No.: 5963F; Lands: Carrons; Area: 6a. 3r. 13p.; County: Limerick.
(22) Registered Owner: Thomas P. O'Reilly; Folio No.: 21269;
Lands: Doon; Area: 0a. Or. 38p.; County: Cavan.
(23) Registered Owner: Francis McLaughlin; Folio No.: 8885;
Lands: (a) Gubaveeny, (b) Gubaveeney (one undivided third part of
other part); Area: (a) 15a. Or. 35p., (b) 3 la. 3r. 15p.; County: Cavan.
(24) Registered Owner: Bridget Conncely; Folio No.: 5185; Lands:
(a) Emlaghamore, (2) Doonhulla (one undivided sixtieth part of parts),
(3) Emlaghmore (one undivided sixtieth part of parts), (4) Emlaghmore
(an undivided moiety of other part); Area: (1) 9a. 3r. 19p., (2) 447a.
3r. 36p., (3) 657 a. 2r. 21p., (4) 0a. 3r. 33p.; County: Galway.
(25) Registered Owner: Denis Horgan; Folio No.: 7967; Lands:
Callatrim; Area: 30a. Or. 39p.; County: Cork.
(26) Registered Owner: Cornelius Breen; Folio No.: 4904; Lands:
Gneeves (Parish of Kilmeen); Area: 41a. 3r. 37p.; County: Cork.
(27) Registered Owner: Una Brennan; Folio No.: 6841; Lands: (1)
Tiknock, (2) Tiknock; Area: (1) 2a. Or. 18p.,(2) la. 2r. 6p.; County:
(28) Registered Owner: John Dondan; Folio No.: 36787; Lands:
(1) Kilnalappa, (2) Woodfield; Area:(l) 43a. Or. 19p.,(2) 4a. Or. 24p.;
County: Galway.
(29) Registered Owner: Martin Noone; Folio No.: 12677; Lands:
Bovinion; Area: 11a. 2r. 13p.; County: Galway.
(30) Registered Owner: Michael Gflvarry; Folio No.: 14912;
Lands: Maghercar (part); Area: 9a. 2r. 16p.; County: Donegal.
(31) Registered Owner: Annie Hughes; Folio No.: 7908; Lands: (1)
Coldwinters Area, (2) Kilshane Area; Area:(l) 12a. 2r. 25p.,(2) 18a.
3r. 8p.; County: Dublin.
(32) Registered Owner: Goerge Jagoe; Folio No.: 3300; Lands:
Ballindeasig (Parish of Ballyfoyle); Area: 46a. 3r. 6p.; County: Cork.
Lost Wills
Cyril Stanley Cowpar, deceased, late of "Ardnaree", Elm Park,
Limerick. Will any person having knowledge of the will of the
above-named deceased, who died on 23rd June 1979, please
contact Holmes O'Malley & Sexton, Solicitors, 57 O'Connell
Street, Limerick. Phone (061) 43222, quoting reference "MGK".
Thomas Gavin, late of Crannagh, Castleblayney, County Galway.
Wfll any person having knowledge of a will of the above-named
deceased, who died on 18th December 1979, please communicate
with Kieran Murphy & Company, Solicitors, 9, The Crescent,
Mary Asldn, deceased, formerly of 7 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin 2,
and late of 81 Mount Anthony, Ardee Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6.
Would any solicitor or other person having knowledge of a will
executed by the above-named deceased, who died on 9th July
1979, please communicate with Patrick J. O'Gara, Solicitor, 14
Mill Street, Monaghan, Co. Monaghan.
Joseph V. Tiemey, deceased, formerly of Harrow House, Ballybrack,
and late of 13 Killindy Towers, Killiney, Co. Dublin, consulting
engineer. Will any solicitor or other person holding a will on behalf
of the above, please communicate with the undersigned, Arthur
O'Hagan & Son, Solicitors, 9 Harcourt Street, Dublin 2.
Experienced legal typist
will type in her own home.
Phone 333555.
Acts of the Oireachtas: Bound Annual Volumes. Complete set or
individual volumes required. Phone 783442, office hours.
Seven-day Publican's Licence free from endorsement for sale. Offers
to Eoin C. Daly & Co., Solicitors, 17 South Mall, Cork. Ref. MH.
M.Sc., C.Chcm., M.R.I.C.
220, Elgar Road, Reading, Berkshire, England.
Telephone (0734) 81977