1895 (11Oct.) A Chefoo Local Post 1/2c green stationery card, tied by 'LOCAL POST/CHEFOO' cds, mixed with Reichspost Eagle
design 10pf carmine, tied by ' SHANGHAI' Gr.P.O cds, sent to Germany, with Germany 23.11.95 arrival cds, on reverse with
'SHANGHAI/LOCAL POST/14.10.95' transit in blue, dull corner and a few dirt marks. Photo
HK$ 10,000 - 12,000
1896 (4 Aug.) A Chefoo Local Post 1c red letter card sent to Germany, tied by 'LOCAL POST/CHEFOO' cds, underneath with
Germany Eagle design 20pf blue, tied by single ring 'SHANGHAI/9.8.96' Gr.P.O cds, 'STRASSBURG/17.9.96' arrival cds alongside,
on reverse with 'SHANGHAI/LOCAL POST/8.8.96' transit, rare commercially usage, very fine. Photo
HK$ 6,000 - 7,000