1944 (1 Feb.) An air mail censor cover from Chungking to USA, bearing 20c surcharged on HK print Martyrs 13, SYS Central
Trust print 40c, Paicheng engraved print irregular perf. $4 and imperf. $10, tied by bilingual ‘CHUNGKING’ cds, ‘Opened By
Examiner’ censor label, ‘MIAMI/11.3.44’, ‘NEWYORK/12.3.44’ transit and ‘NEWYORK/14.3.44’ arrival cancel, damaged at
the top and bottom, surcharged 20 cents is seldom to be found on cover, especially on censor cover. Photo
HK$ 2,000 - 2,400
1944 (4 Jan.) A censor cover from Canton to USA, bearing HK print Martyrs 1c in pair, SYS Chung Hwa print 8c, Central Trust
print 30c x 3, $1, and Paicheng engraved $10, all tied by bilingual ‘KITYANG’ ‘
’ cds, on reverse with bilingual ‘KITYANG’
transit, char. ‘CANTON/10.1.44’ and bilingual ‘KWEILIN/13.1.44’ transit, ‘Opened By Examiner’ seal label. Because of the
Sino-Japanese War, most of the postal service passed through the western part of China.
From the collection of Huang Ming
HK$ 500 - 700
1948 Gold Yuan Shanghai Dah Yeh surcharged, 1/2c on $500 block of 6 on SYS Shanghai Dah Tung 2nd print block of 6, top
corner copy with plate no. top 3 stamps with diagonal paper fold variety, unused and no gum as issued.
From the collection of
Huang Ming Fang.
Chan G1var. Photo
HK$ 1,200 - 1,500
1948 Gold Yuan San Yi surcharged, $1 on 40c brown SYS Central Trust print block of 6, tied by bilingual ‘TSINGTAO/1.4.49’
cds, with perf. 10 1/2 variety, fine used. Chan G25g. Photo
HK$ 500 - 600
Gold Yuan Period