Ex. 1132
Ex. 1133
Ex. 1134
Ex. 1135
Ex. 1136
A small box full of Laos and Cambodia FDC and commercially used covers, mixed with a few Vietnam covers, mostly 1960s, good
to fine, approx. 250+, viewing recommended. Photo
HK$ 2,000 - 2,500
A small group of the Laos issues in dealer stock cards, starts from 50’s to 80’s, mostly unmounted and in complete sets, with imperf.
sets, including UNESCO imperf. set, 1953 Air Mail complete set of 5, 1971 Philatelic, imperf. set of 3, Scott catalogue value
USD600, viewing recommended. Photo
HK$ 1,200 - 1,400
A small group of Laos miniature sheets, mainly 1960s, approx. 30+, unmounted mint and a few with gum disturbed, with a few
stamp blocks of 4. Photo
HK$ 1,500 - 1,800
A small selection of the Laos unmounted issues in dealer stock cards, with many imperf. sets, miniature sheets and colour imperf.
issues, a few duplicates, fresh, approx. 100+, high Sc catalogue value USD1,000+, viewing recommended. Photo
HK$ 2,500 - 3,000
Two albums full of Laos imperf. colour proof, some of them in complete sets, a few of them with block of 4, mainly from the 60’s
to early 70’s, all mounted on pages with description, very fine and fresh, viewing recommended, 100s. Photo
HK$ 20,000 - 25,000