June 2016
www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.auSpeak Out
From the
here were towering
waves in Perth during
conference week; with
inspiring presentations
that exploded into
witter, with the #SPAConf hashtag
making more than 7.2 million
impressions over the conference
period. It seems that speech
pathologists can do more than just
talk! Congratulations to all award
winners, presenters, posters,
exhibitors, attendees and most
particularly the Conference Planning
Committee ably led by Michelle
Quail and Deborah Hersch for a
fantastic event. With the launch
of the 2017 conference held, I
am already getting excited about
Sydney next year and I hope that
you are considering what you can
share; the call for abstracts has
The Perth conference saw the final
workshop of the
Speech Pathology
2030 - a vision to aspire
This fully subscribed workshop
explored possible visions for the
future. From here the project team
are synthesizing the information
received from members and non-
members to write a report to inspire
and to aspire to a vision of where
the profession will be in 2030.
This will be launched in Speech
Pathology Week. More news of that
Conference is just one part of
the Association’s Continuing
Professional Development Strategy
for members. Other aspects include
the state-based face-to-face
offerings, CPD Live webinars, the
CPD Library, self-study packages
in particular, the Ethics Self-
Study package, mentoring and
national tours. Members and the
Association invest a lot of time and
finances into CPD—particularly
those volunteer CPD committees
in each state and Territory. As part
of our ongoing commitment to
be “future ready”, the Association
is reviewing its model for CPD to
ensure that we are offering the
most effective and efficient modes
of CPD for members.
The Association is also investigating
credentialing for advanced and
potentially extended scope of
practice. A project officer will
be commencing to explore and
develop a framework that could
be used to develop credentialing
across a range of areas. We will
keep you updated as the project
Swallowing Awareness Day held
on May 11 was a very successful
event with good media interest
and member and university events
held throughout the country to
raise community awareness of
swallowing difficulties and the role
speech pathologists play with
Speech Pathology Week is only two
months away. The theme, Speech
Pathology – Creating Futures,
reflects the importance of the work
we do. This importance has been
reflected in our conversations with
consumers who highly value the
role of speech
pathologists in
their lives. It also gives us the
opportunity to reflect on our
profession’s future and to move
forward. I look forward to seeing
the many events that people will
be starting to plan around the
Read on to find out more ways
that your Association is creating
futures for the profession and
for people with or at risk of
communication and swallowing
Gaenor Dixon
Gaenor Dixon
National President