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Vol. IV, No, 10.]

April, 1911.



Meetings of the Council.

March 8th.

Visit of His Majesty the King to Ireland.

IT was resolved that an address from the

Council be presented to His Majesty the King

upon the occasion of his approaching visit to

Ireland, and a Committee was appointed to

prepare the address.

Estate Duty Accounts.

A letter was read from a Belfast firm

drawing attention to the delays which they

experience at the Custom House, Dublin,

in the passing of Estate Duty accounts. A

reply was directed, stating that the ex

perience of members of the Council was that

where there is personal attendance at the

Custom House, upon the passing of Estate

Duty accounts, no serious delay occurs, and

requesting detailed particulars of any case

where such delay had been experienced, so

that inquiry might be made as to the cause.

Four Courts Stamp Office.




reply was




Comptroller of Inland Revenue stating that

owing to pressure of work at the Mint, there

lias been unavoidable delay in providing the

requisite dies for the fee presses at the Stamp

Office, Four Courts, which are at present

unused, and that he had forwarded a copy

of the letter from the Society on the subject

to the Board of Inland Revenue, with a

request that steps be taken to have


dies engraved with as little delay as possible.


An application by a Solicitor for renewal

of his certificate was considered, and an order

was made granting the application.

Court of Examiners.

The report of the Court of Examiners upon

the Intermediate Examination was submitted

and adopted.

Preliminary Examination.

A memorial from a Law Clerk seeking a

modified Preliminary Examination under

Section 18 was submitted, and it was decided

that the application be not opposed.

Parliamentary Committee.

A report upon the Under-Sheriffs (County

Boroughs) (Ireland) Bill was submitted, and

it was resolved in the event of the Bill

reaching Committee stage, that action should

be taken to have amendments moved to

the Bill in accordance with those which had

been prepared by the Committee.

A report upon the Belfast Corporation

Bill was submitted, and it was resolved to

take action in opposition to Clause 36, under

which there would be no appeal from the

award of an Arbitrator awarding a sum less

than £1,000 for land compulsorily acquired

under the Bill.

March 22nd.

Increment Yalue Duty.

Attention was drawn to the requirement of

the Inland Revenue authorities where a deed

is presented in order to obtain one of the