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Submission Date

2016-07-29 17:50:23


Melissa Phillips




Title of Method

Determination of Catechins and Caffeine in Camillia sinensis Raw Materials, Extracts,

and Dietary Supplements by HPLC-UV: Single Laboratory Validation

AOAC Candidate Method

Number (e.g. ALN-01)


Applicable SMPR



This method is presented for determination of seven catechins and caffeine in green

tea containing dietary ingredients and supplements. The method utilizes simple

sonication extraction in acidic solution containing EDTA and reversed-phase

chromatography with absorbance detection.

Tested products include powders and tablets. Method did not address softgels,

gelcaps, gummies, chewables, or liquids.

1. Does the applicability of

the method support the

applicability of the SMPR? If

not, please explain what is


The method addresses the determination of seven of the eight catechins listed in the

SMPR (all but catechin gallate), as well as caffeine. The method also does not address

the determination of additional methyl xanthines (theophylline and theobromine),

theaflavins, or theanine.

2. Does the analytical

technique(s) used in the

method meet the SMPR? If

not, please specify how it

differs from what is stated in

the SMPR.

Analytical range stated in SMPR: 10-500,000 ppm. The calibration range described in

method was 1-100 ppm. Lowest level tested in any product 1260 ppm (catechin in

SRM 3254). Sample preparation steps need to be modified to cover the range of

samples concentrations specified in the SMPR. LOQ stated in SMPR: <5 ppm. LOQ

not reported in method. Recovery was tested by spiking different quantities of SRM

3255 Green Tea Extract onto a blank multivitamin matrix. Recovery was not tested at

levels below 390 ppm. Recoveries were out of spec for 7 of 8 compounds at low and

middle spike levels and for 3 of 8 compounds at high spike levels. 95-105% for 501-

500,000 ppm RSDr was not reported below 1000 ppm. stated in SMPR was met for all

conditions. RSDr was met for only 3 of 8 compounds and for total catechins. <5% for

51-500,000 ppm Tested products include powders and tablets. Method did not address

softgels, gelcaps, gummies, chewables, or liquids.

3. Are the definitions

specified in the SMPR used

and applied appropriately in

the method? If no, please

indicate how the terms are



4. Does the method, as

written, contain all

appropriate precautions and

warnings related to the

method's reagents,

components, instrumentation,

or method steps that may be

hazardous? If no, please

suggest wording or option(s).

No safety information included. Might be necessary for working with concentrated acids

in diluent preparation.

AOAC SPDS ERP - Set 3 Review Form 2