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NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes

20 July 2017

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Vice-Commodore’s Comments

Vice Commodore, Randy Pagel

The Commodore’s Cruise to Mackinac Island was a great time. We had approximately 18 NCYC boats

arriving at different times to the island. The Mackinac Harbor was a little bit of a challenge for a couple

days with the wind coming out of the east. Still, we enjoyed good food, drinks and camaraderie.

It’s hard to believe we are approaching the last week in July. It’s time to think of people to nominate for

the Board. I would encourage all of us to look for members that you feel would be Board of Director

material. Give that name to the Nominating Committee Chairman, P/C Brian McEvoy, or one of his

committee members. P/C Brian has to present the slate to our Board next month.

Please continue to support your club and look for new opportunities to invite perspective newmembers,

and encourage current members to come out and enjoy our club.

Rear-Commodore’s Comments

Rear Commodore, Ian Blackburn

I would like to point out that in the short time since our last board meeting, we have had: 8 events, 4

incoming poker runs, numerous incoming rendezvous, 6 ODs and 6 weekday managers. These activities

do not happen on their own, and I just want to shout out to all the members that have volunteered to

make all this happen! Thank you.

Financial Report

Treasurer, Brian Fringer

The financial report was distributed via e-mail prior to the meeting and summarized.

June 2017 revenue was $ 29,500 and expenses were $ 31,800 for a net loss of $ 2300. The year to date

comparison to last year shows we are only $ 3000 under which is timing related since we are on a cash


Directors need to watch their bank accounts to avoid overdraft fees. One entry, a food bill for an event,

will need to be reclassified since it was not for bar food. A new GL category needs to be created.


Moved by Tom Martin and seconded by Darryl Campbell to approve the Financial Report.

Motion Carried

ABYA Report

P/C Chuck Stroh

Absent - No Report.



Bob Gable from Grosse Isle Yacht Club would like to bring 4-5 boats in on 14-16 August.


Moved by R/C Ian Blackburn and seconded by Dale Hall to allow Grosse Isle Yacht Club to

visit with 4-5 boats on 14-16 August.

Motion Carried

Kevin Reader requested to visit the club with a Special Olympics Poker Run with 50 boats (125 people)

on 16 August from 2-3 PM. The week manager will require help.


Moved by Kim Miedema and seconded by Brian Fringer to allow a Special Olympics Poker

Run with 50 boats on 16 August from 2-3 PM.

Motion Carried

The Michigan Boating Association has requested donations for a Political Action Committee (PAC) that

supports candidates for state and local offices that share boating concerns and are sensitive to the

expansion of recreational boating opportunities. The request will be posted in the next Beacon.

Denny Corby, a comedy / magic entertainer, is available to perform at events.