the death of a registered owner, except:—
The transmission is effected by an ASSENT
of the personal representative (when full
fees are to be charged).
On the registration of a personal representa
tive for the purpose of administration, with
the prescribed inhibition, under Rule 88
of the Land Registration Rules, 1937, as
amended by Rules 28 and 29 of the Land
Registration Rules, 1944, when the fee
prescribed at Item 5 Part II of the Schedule
to the Fee Order of 1944 is to be charged.
A transfer
on sale
by the personal repre
sentative of a deceased registered owner.
NOTE :—Transmissions by way of assent are
effective only
in cases where
registered owner dies
THE Autumn Meeting of the Society was held
at Milltown Golf Club on Thursday, the 20th
September, when thirty members competed for
the Incorporated Law Society's Challenge Cup,
the President's Prize and the Ryan Challenge Cup.
In addition, there was a putting competition for
a prize presented by the Captain, the proceeds
going to the funds of the Solicitors' Benevolent
Association. The following were the winners :—
Society's Challenge Cup and
President's Prize . .
W. Norman
Ryan Cup
.. W. J. O'Reilly
Best Gross
. .
D. Lynch
. .
W. A. Menton
The annual dinner of the society was held in
the Clubhouse at 7 p.m. when in the unavoidable
absence of the President of the Incorporated Law
Society (Patrick F. O'Reilly) the chair was taken
by the Captain (William C. M. Corrigan). In pro
posing the toast of "The President of the Society"
J. J. Hickey referred to Mr. O'Reilly's illness,
and read a letter from him wishing the Society a
pleasant outing. The best thanks of the Society
were accorded to the President for his untiring
interest in the Society during his year of office,
and for the very handsome prize which he
presented to go with the Law Society's Challenge
The Officers and Committee of the Society were
very gratified at the' number of country members
who attended this outing, Baltray, Longford,
Monaghan, Mullingar and Wicklow, being repre
sented. In welcoming these members, Mr. Michael
Corrigan referred to some of the very memorable
outings of the Society which had been held in
the country, and said that as soon as travel
facilities had been restored, the Society proposed
holding one of its annual outings at a country
Will Solicitors who wish to become members
of the Society kindly communicate with the
Hon. Secretary, A. Marshall, 119 Stephen's
Green, Dublin, who will supply all necessary
MR. CHARLES W. NEILL, Solicitor, died at his
residence, Lurgan, Co. Armagh, in August, 1945.
Mr. Neill served his apprenticeship with the late
Mr. James Ussher, Lurgan, was admitted in
Trinity Sittings, 1896, and practised at Lurgan.
He was appointed Town Solicitor for Lurgan in
MR. BERNARD FINEGAN, Solicitor, died at his
residence, 99 Donore Terrace, South Circular
Road, Dublin, on 15th August, 1945. Mr. Finegan
served his apprenticeship with Mr. Valentine E.
Kirwan, Dublin, was admitted in Hilary Sittings.
1931, and practised at 13 Lower Ormond Quay,
MR. WILLIAM P. DUNDON, Solicitor, died at
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, on 12th September,
1945. Mr. Dundon served his apprenticeship with
the late Mr. John Dundon, Limerick, was admitted
in Hilary Sittings, 1908, and practised in Limerick
up to the year 1911, when he went to Canada.
MR. ARTHUR E. BRADLEY, Solicitor, died at
Sandycove, on 15th September, 1945. Mr. Bradley
served his apprenticeship with his father, the late
Mr. William George Bradley of Dublin, was
admitted in Easter Sittings, 1888, and practised
as senior partner in the firm of W. G. Bradley &
Son at 11 Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin. Mr.
Bradley was a member of the Council from 1905
to 1921. He was Vice-President of the Society
in the year 1910-1911 and was President for the
year 1914-1915. Mr. Bradley was a Director of
the Solicitors' Benevolent Association.
MRS. MARY NUGENT (nee Neilan), Solicitor, died
in a private nursing home, in Dublin, on 28th
September, 1945. Mrs. Nugent served her appren
ticeship with her father, Mr. Patrick J. Neilan,
Roscommon, was admitted in Michaelmas Sit
tings, 1931, and practised in Roscommon up to
the year 1934.