and his father carried on business at Henrietta
Street, Waterford, under the style of J. & C.
Ambrose. The building is now the property
of Mr. David C. Boyd, the proprietor of the
Waterford Standard Office, and the ground
floor of the building is now in the occupation
of the United Yeast Company, Ltd.
The late Mr. Ambrose was Secretary and
Registrar of the Diocese of Waterford for over
62 years. He was also Probate Registrar, having
been appointed in about the year 1889 as
successor to James Lorenzo Hickey, and held
that Office till about the end of last century.
He had not practised as a Solicitor, for many
years prior to his death, but he held the office
of Diocesan Secretary and Registrar right up
to the date of his death. He was a splendid
character and a keen follower of all sport.
MR. THOMAS B. MOFFAT, Solicitor, died in London
on 20th May, 1945.
Mr. Moffat was admitted in Michaelmas Sittings,
1888, and practised at Ermiscorthy up to the year
1917, when he retired.
MR. GOODLETT HAMILL, Solicitor, died at his
residence, Castletown House, Dundalk, on 17th
June, 1945.
Mr. Hamill served his apprenticeship to the
late Robert Dickie of Dundalk ; was admitted
in Easter Sittings, 1917, and practised as a partner
in the firm of Dickie, Coulter & Hamill, Dundalk,
up to the year 1943, when he retired. He was a
member of the Council for the year 1924-25.
MR. DAVID L. CLARKE, O.B.E., Solicitor, died at
36 Myrtlefield Park, Belfast, on 18th June, 1945.
Mr. Clarke served his apprenticeship to the
late Thomas M. Kenny, of Galway; was admitted
in Hilary Sittings, 1910, and practised in Castlebar
up to the year 1915, when he became an auditor
under the Local Government Board. When the
Government of Northern Ireland was established
he became Accountant in the Ministry of Home
at his residence, Lissadell, Shrewsbury Road,
Dublin, on 22nd June, 1945.
Mr. Gore-Grimes served his apprenticeship to
the late William Smyth, Dublin ; was admitted in
Hilary Sittings, 1902, and practised under the
style of Gore & Grimes, 6 Cavendish Row, Dublin.
He was a director of the Solicitors Benevolent
AT the examinations held in June, 1945, the fol
lowing candidates were successful.
First Examination in Irish.
William D. Boyle.
Peter A. Connellan.
Daniel P. Early.
Helen Kennedy.
Stephen J. McDonagh.
Daniel M. F. Molloy.
Jeremiah J. O'Connor.
Joseph T. L. O'Donnell.
Donal O'Higgins.
Richard Woulfe
Twelve candidates attended ; ten passed ; two
Second Examination in Irish.
Patrick J. Bergin.
John Butler.
Michael D. Carlos.
Benedict J. Daly.
Carmel Early.
Nuala Early.
Matthew A. Farrell.
James M. Farrelly
Kieran McAnally.
Arthur R. McDonald.
Francis J. C. Martin.
Blatnaid Ni Uadhaigh.
Peter E. O'Connell.
William F. O'ConneU.
Twenty-three candidates attended; fourteen
passed ; nine failed.
Intermediate Examination.
Passed with merit:
Eamon P. Carroll.
Eileen Kennedy.
Florence G. MacCarthy.
John M. Flanagan.
Francis Johnston.
Thomas R. R. King.
James Lynch.
William F. O'Connor.
Joseph E. N. Quirk.
Margaret H. Walsh.
Twenty-three candidates attended ; ten passed ;
thirteen failed.