Published quarterly for members of
The Buckeye Association of School Administrators
Summer 2014
President’s Message
Michael Tefs, Ed.D.
In a recent column o
f Inc .magazine,
entrepreneur Brad Feld explained how
he writes his way to a solution.
“Finally, after
almost 20 years of writing, the light bulb came
on for me. I write to think,”
he explains. I am
using this article by “writing to think” my way
to a successful 2015 and the awesome
responsibility of serving as a superintendent of
The Buckeye Association of School
Administrators (BASA) is watching the
educational landscape and working diligently
to cultivate your advocacy and
professional development. There are
more actions that require our attention and
leadership than I have ever experienced. Here
are just a few initiatives that I am “thinking”
about and working to build systems for their
successful implementation:
Nationally, the Common Core State Standards
debate continues to flourish and has certainly
made landfall here in Ohio in the form of
HB597. We all have been working diligently,
since 2010, at implementing Ohio’s new
learning standards. Assessing what is
and what is
to our leadership as
superintendents for the academic learning
standards we deliver instructionally is certainly
up for debate and often dependent on our
local political and philosophical cultures. How
are you engaging this conversation in your
professional learning community?
Continued on page 5
I hope this issue of the AdminiScope finds each of you
reflecting on a great start to the school year and all of
the great things you will be able to experience with your
students, staff, and community in the year ahead. Now
is the time we get to implement the plans that have been
prepared to provide students a great experience and
experience the satisfaction that comes with seeing those
planning efforts result in success. While you may never
receive the credit you deserve for this great work, you
will know that your leadership was a major contribution
and can take great pride in your efforts.
This will be a year of change and new opportunity at
BASA as well. Just as you work on plans to better serve
students, we work on plans to better serve our members.
To that end I am pleased to announce that BASA has
formed the Ohio School Leadership Foundation. The
foundation was created as a 501(c3) organization that
will permit us to pursue funding from foundations and
businesses for programs and opportunities to support
school leadership and our profession. Some of our
current BASA programs will be shifted to the foundation
so that outside funding can be secured. In addition the
foundation will be able to provide program evaluation,
survey work, and other efforts to support school
leadership. You will certainly hear more about this effort
as we move forward.
As a result of the formation of this new foundation Dr.
Jerry Klenke will be transitioning on January 1, 2015
from his role as Deputy Executive Director at BASA to
the role of President of the Ohio School Leadership
Foundation. With Jerry’s rich background and
experience, he is very well suited to lead the
establishment of the foundation and make its operation a
valuable resource for superintendents.
Continued on page 3
By Dr. Kirk Hamilton, BASA Executive Director
Executive Director
Dr. R. Kirk Hamilton
Deputy Executive Director
Dr. Jerry L. Klenke
Director of Governmental
Tom Ash
Co-Directors of Member
Kathleen D. Lowery/Debbie Campbell
Executive Assistant
Denise Hall
Executive Assistant
Kathryn Williams
Executive Assistant
Tenecia Le’Flore
is published quarterly by the Buckeye Association of School
Administrators. Annual subscriptions are included in membership dues. All rights
How to contact BASA
Phone: (614) 846-4080
(614) 846-4081
www.basa-ohio.orgBASA Executive Committee
Michael Tefs
Wooster City Schools
(330) 988-1111
wstr_mtefs@woostercityschools.orgMichael Lamb
Shawnee Local Schools
mike@limashawnee.comRandy Lucas
Past President
Barnesville EVS
(740) 425-3615
barn_rl@omeresa.netNate Johnson
Region 1
Stryker Local Schools
(419) 682-2841
njohnson@strykerpanthers.orgKevin Haught
Region 2
Arlington Local Schools
(419) 365-5121
haughtk@ag.noacsc.orgCynthia Walker
Region 3
Brooklyn City Schools
(216) 485-8110
cynthia.walker@brooklyn.k12.oh.usRussell Bennett
Region 4
Aurora City Schools
(330) 954-2228
rbennett@aurora-schools.orgTom Perkins
Region 5
Mid-East Career & Tech Center
tperkins@mideastctc.orgRhonda Bohannon
Region 6
Three Rivers Local Schools
(513) 941-6400
rbohannon@trlsd.orgRobert Hamm
Region 7
Dover City Schools
hammb@dovertornadoes.comDoug Ute
Region 8
Newark City Schools
(740) 670-7000
dute@laca.orgSusan Gunnell
Region 9
Huber Heights City Schools
(937) 237-6300
susan.gunnell@huberheightscityschools.orgJames Metcalf
Region 10
Plymouth-Shiloh Local Schools
metalf.jim@plymouth.k12.oh.usDavid James
Appointed Director
Akron City Schools
(330) 761-2920
djames@akron.k12.oh.usMargaret Hess
Warren County Career Center
(513) 932-5677
maggie.hess@mywccc.orgMark Neal
Tri-Valley Local Schools
(740) 754-1442
mneal@tvschools.orgDavid Distel
Hamilton County ESC
(513) 674-4236
dave.distel@hcesc.orgBASA Calendar & Professional
Development Programs
Regional Meeting, Logan
Hocking High School
Employee Discipline (Upslope),
Auglaize County ESC
11-12 How to School Finance I, BASA
New Superintendents, Bricker &
Regional Meeting, Montgomery
County ESC
Regional Meeting, The ESC
Conference Center (Cuyahoga)
BASA Fall Conference, Hilton
BASA Fall Conference, Hilton
OSLI 29, Doubletree
Dave Weber Conference
15-16 How to School Finance I, (New
Supts), BASA
Employee Discipline (Upslope),
21-22 How to School Finance I, BASA
Employee Discipline (Upslope),
Montgomery Cty. ESC
Employee Discipline (Upslope),
The ESC Conference Center
Employee Discipline (Upslope),
Augalize County ESC
Our Mission
The mission of the Buckeye
Association of School Administrators is to
inspire and support its members, develop
exemplary school system leaders, and
advocate for public education.