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Fund Family Shareholder Association

Daniel P. Wiener

is America’s leading expert on

the Vanguard family of funds. He is founder of

the Fund Family Shareholder Association and

chairman and chief executive officer of Adviser

Investments, LLC, a Newton, Massachusetts,

investment advisory firm (800-492-6868). As

editor of

The Independent Adviser for Vanguard Investors

, he is

a five-time recipient of the Newsletter Publishers Foundation’s

Editorial Excellence Award. He also edits the annual

Independent Guide to the Vanguard Funds.

Mr. Wiener is often

quoted in the nation’s leading financial publications.

Jeffrey D. DeMaso,

Editor/Director of

Research, works directly with Dan Wiener

researching and writing the multiple-award


Independent Adviser for Vanguard


newsletter. He also leads the analyst

team for Adviser Investments, LLC. Jeff gradu-


magna cum laude

from Tufts University with a B.A. in

economics, holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation

and is a member of the CFA Institute and the Boston Security

Analysts Society.



A large cap-growth fund should drive portfolio returns for years to come. The PRIMECAP

Management team is among the best in the business. (See page 1)


Health Care

has hit a rough patch, but stick with the fund. Portfolio manager Jean Hynes

is concentrating on her highest conviction picks. (See page 12)


Tax-Exempt Bond Index

has held its own in its first year. Buy the ETF shares if you are

interested. (See page 15)

Analyze This

When I started this newsletter in 1991, I had

to thumb through paper SEC filings and copy

fund data by hand. But now, thanks to advances

in technology and the efforts of our team at

InvestorPlace, Jeff and I are able to bring you

an unprecedented research tool for Vanguard


The Independent Vanguard Fund



The Fund Analyzer takes everything you know

from our monthly newsletter and annual guide-

book to a whole new level. Like our guidebook,

it contains comprehensive data on every

Vanguard fund we track. And like our newsletter,

it’s updated every month. (Some data is even

updated daily.)

But unlike either, it gives you direct access to a

suite of online, interactive charts, tables, and other

analytical tools created directly from our in-house

database—and it’s designed to work with any

computer or mobile device you own. It’s like being

right there in our office with us, as your own inde-

pendent fund analyst on our research team, with

our proprietary risk and return statistics like rolling

returns, relative returns, Maximum Cumulative

Loss (MCL), and many more at your fingertips.

And the best part is, you can get the Fund

Analyzer for only $199 a year. For details on

how you can try it risk-free for 60 days, visit

or call

800/211-7641 and mention code



the end of August, fully 88% of

Tax-Exempt Bond Index’s $544 mil-

lion in assets are planted in the ETF

shares. I should note, by the way, that

Tax-Exempt Bond Index remains a tiny

fund compared to the $53.1 billion

Intermediate-Term Tax-Exempt.

As I said, there’s no compelling

reason to pick the index fund over the

active fund. And there’s no reason not

to. Should interest rates continue ris-

ing, the active fund may show a slight

advantage over time, but if the pace of

that rate increase is slow, the index fund

may be able to make up the difference

with its slightly higher yield, without

exhibiting significantly larger capital

losses. Again, it’s kind of a toss-up.



basis points higher, at 0.66% versus

0.56% for the taxable fund. If you’re

a high-tax-bracket investor who’s been

looking at the taxable money funds

with envy, well, now’s your chance to

gloat. That 0.66% tax-exempt yield is

roughly equivalent to a taxable yield

of 1.2%. You can find all this data on

page 9 in the

Performance Review


By the way, because of the reforms

that have been foisted upon money mar-

kets, Vanguard is now calculating net

asset values to four decimal points, and

you can see that number at vanguard.

com. Prime Money Market’s NAV, for

example, wasn’t actually $1.00, but

ended the month at $1.0002, which is a

whole lot better than if it was $0.9998.

As long as the money fund’s NAV stays

incrementally above (or even incremen-

tally below) its official one-dollar share

price, I’ll be comfortable. If the number

expands too far from its base (and I

don’t think it will, given Vanguard’s

historic aversion to risk) then we’ve got

a problem.

Finally, for those of you still trying

to get some resolution on problems

with the consolidation of your fund and

brokerage accounts, or bounced checks

or misdirected distributions, I heard

that Kenneth Agostinelli’s extension

was changed after I told you that he

in particular was very good at resolv-

ing issues for Vanguard shareholders.

The Resolution Services department

number is (800) 896-7309, and Ken

can currently be found at ext. 19767.

No doubt Vanguard will play cat-and-

mouse with Ken’s extension again, and

if it goes dark, the 800 number should

still help.



