2nd version Mini Soccer League Handbook complete - page 25

The rules below are to be used in conjunction with the rules and regulations of the Huntingdonshire
Mini Soccer League. All disputes will be settled by the Management Committee.
C1. Qualification of Players
a) No player shall play in a cup competition prior to the Semi-Finals unless they have been
registered with the competition to play for that team in accordance with rule 8 of the
Huntingdonshire Mini Soccer League.
b) A player may play in a Semi-Final if they have been registered with the competition to play
for that team for at least 5 days prior to the match and may only play in a Final if they were
eligible to play in the Semi-Final.
c) Where a cup competition is structured in a group league basis, then these games shall be
considered qualifying games for rule C1(b).
d) No player shall play (or be recorded on the result sheet) for more than one team in the
same cup competition.
C2. Duration and Conclusion of games.
a) The games duration shall be as mandated in the rules of the Huntingdonshire Mini Soccer
League for that team’s age group.
If the match in the knock out stages of a competition is level at the end of normal time, the
game shall be concluded with a penalty competition. The penalty competition shall involve
all players in the squad for the match able to take a penalty taking one. Where one side has
less players in it’s squad than the opposition all the players from the smaller squad shall
take a penalty and an equal number from the opposition. Should the score still be equal at
the conclusion of this penalty competition all the players who took a penalty in the first
round of kicks shall take a further penalty kick. The competition will continue in this manner
until a winner emerges at the end of a full round of penalties. Sudden death penalties shall
not conclude a match.
C3. Officials of the Game
a) In all rounds with the exception of the Final, games are to refereed one half by the “home”
club and one half by the “away” club unless both teams agree to use the same official for
the whole game.
b) All officials fees and costs incurred in the Final of any Cup competition will be the
responsibility of Huntingdonshire Mini Soccer League.
C4. Home Ground, Team Colours, Cancellations.
a) The home team is the team stated first on the fixture (except in Finals), and are responsible
for providing the venue and notifying the away team in accordance with the rules of the
Hunts Youth League.
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