Page 12 - WhippleWoodCPAs Employee Manual

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2012 Employee Manual | Effective March 1, 2012
WhippleWood CPAs, P.C. maintains the following employment practices: All persons having
management authority shall support, without reservation, a non-discriminatory policy of
hiring, promoting, evaluating, layoff, discharge, or transfer. This policy will apply without
regard to race, gender, religion, disability, age, sexual orientation, or ethnic background.
WhippleWood strives to fill open positions with the best qualified individuals. Employees
will be considered for promotion in terms of performance, specialized background,
and potential.
It is WhippleWood’s policy to maintain a work environment free from discrimination and
to insist that employees be treated with dignity, respect, and courtesy. Any comments or
conduct relating to a person’s race, gender, religion, disability, age, sexual orientation, or
ethnic background are unacceptable.
Sexual harassment in any form is strictly prohibited. This policy specifically includes officers,
all management, staff, clients, vendors, and any visitors or others who have contact or
association with our organization.
The following could constitute harassment (This is not an exclusive list):
Pressure for sex; demanding sexual favors from an employee in exchange for favorable
reviews, assignments, promotions, or continued employment; withholding a favorable
review, assignment, promotion, or terminating employment because of a failure of
the employee to submit to sexual favors; graphic comments about sexual experience,
prowess, and desire; unwanted sexual conversation, touching, leaning over, cornering,
pinching, or exposing parts of the body in a sexual suggestive manner; engaging in
continual or repeated unwanted sexual teasing, jokes, remarks, language, flirtation,
propositions, advances, or questions; unwanted sexual looks, gestures, or deliberate
touching; describing an individual using sexually explicit, degrading, or vulgar words;
displaying sexually suggestive objects, pictures, posters, or cartoons in the workplace;
name-calling or relating stories, gossiping, commenting, or joking derogatorily about
a particular gender; displaying sexually suggestive graffiti; asking questions about
sexual orientation or preference; consistently harassing only members of one sex, even
if the content of the verbal abuse is not sexual; and retaliating against employees for
complaining about such behaviors.
It is critical for you to notify someone.
If you believe that you or another employee has been sexually harassed, report the
incident immediately to Richard J. Whipple, Jr., Mona Feeley, George Hoge, or anyone in
a management position. You may also contact WhippleWood’s attorney, Barry Meinster,
at 303-674-5977. Although he cannot give you legal advice, you may report the incident
to him or ask him about the policy. He will take action to investigate the allegations and
resolve the matter. This is a free call for any employee.