Page 11 - WhippleWoodCPAs Employee Manual

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2012 Employee Manual | Effective March 1, 2012
all employees are responsible, the following guidelines have been established for using
e-mail and the Internet. Any improper use of the Internet or e-mail is not acceptable and
will not be permitted.
No e-mail or other electronic communications may be sent that hides the identity of the
sender or represents the sender as someone else or someone from another company. All
messages communicated on the company’s e-mail/Internet system should contain the
employee’s name.
To prevent computer viruses from being transmitted through the company’s e-mail/
Internet system, there will be no unauthorized downloading of any unauthorized software
or attachments. All software downloaded must be registered to the company. Employees
should contact Management if they have any questions. Do not open e-mail attachments
from unfamiliar parties. Notify Management immediately if you suspect the introduction of
a virus to the network.
The company routinely monitors usage patterns for its e-mail/Internet communications.
All messages created, sent, or retrieved over the company’s e-mail or Internet system are
the property of the company and should be considered public information. The company
has the right to access and monitor all messages and files on the company’s e-mail/
Internet system. Electronic communications are not private and should not transmit highly
confidential data.
Disciplinary action for violation of WhippleWood CPAs, P.C. Internet Use Policy are within
the discretion of Management, and will reflect the seriousness of the violation.
I have read and fully understand the WhippleWood CPAs’, P.C. Internet Use Policy. Any
question I had prior to signing below has been answered by Management. If I have further
questions about the Policy or any term, I will discuss them immediately with Management.
Employee Signature
Employee Printed Name