Page 10 - WhippleWoodCPAs Employee Manual

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2012 Employee Manual | Effective March 1, 2012
Internet Use Policy
WhippleWood CPAs, P.C. (WhippleWood) allows employees to use the Internet, computers
owned by WhippleWood, and all other communication or electronic devices for business
purposes only, including the following:
• To communicate with fellow employees and clients regarding matters within an
employee’s assigned duties;
• To acquire information related to, or designed to facilitate the performance of
regular assigned duties; and
• To facilitate performance of any task or project in a manner approved by an
employee’s supervisor.
WhippleWood is an equal opportunity employer with a zero tolerance policy towards
sexual harassment or discrimination in any form, and in addition to a broad general
prohibition against such practices specifically prohibits the use of its Internet access,
e-mail, or other communication or electronic devices for:
1. Offensive or harassing statements or language including disparagement
of others based on their race, national origin, sex, sexual orientation,
age, disability, religious or political beliefs.
2. Sending or soliciting sexually oriented messages or images.
3. Communicating any other material that would violate any of
these policies.
WhippleWood takes seriously its obligation to maintain the confidentiality of its clients,
operate in conformity with all laws, at all time project and promote a professional image,
and maintain the undivided loyalty of its employees. The following non-exclusive list
contains examples of prohibited uses of its Internet access, e-mail, or other communication
or electronic devices.
1. Dissemination, downloading, or printing of copyrighted materials (including
articles, music, pictures, movies, and software) in violation of any copyright laws.
2. Sending, receiving, printing or otherwise disseminating proprietary data, trade
secrets or other confidential information of WhippleWood CPAs, P.C. in violation
of company policy or proprietary agreements.
3. Operating a business, usurping business opportunities, soliciting money for
personal gain, or searching for jobs outside WhippleWood CPAs, P.C.
4. Sending chain letters, gambling or engaging in any other activity in violation of
local, state or federal law.
Uses of the Internet and Company E-mail
Use of the company provided Internet and e-mail access is for business reasons only.
The company encourages the use of the Internet and e-mail because they make
communication more efficient and effective. However, Internet service and e-mail
are company property, and their purpose is to facilitate company business. Every staff
member has a responsibility to maintain and enhance the company’s public image and
to use company e-mail and access to the Internet in a productive manner. To ensure that