Page 6 - WhippleWoodCPAs Employee Manual

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2012 Employee Manual | Effective March 1, 2012
N. Reporting to work under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs;
O. Misuse, destruction, or damage of any Firm property or the property of any
employee or Firm clients;
P. Insubordination;
Q. Failure to report unsafe actions or conditions;
R. Making false, vicious, or malicious statements concerning any employee, the
Firm, Firm client, vendor, or other individual associated with the Firm; this would
include gossip about any other individual or entity not associated with the Firm;
S. Provoking or instigating a fight, or fighting during working hours, or on
Firm premises;
T. Immoral conduct or indecency which occurs on the premises or if off the
Firm’s premises adversely affects the Firm’s or any individual associated with
the Firm’s reputation;
U. Not adhering to other provisions of this manual;
V. Any act which violates or causes the Firm or any other individual or entity to be
in violation of any laws or regulations; and
W. Any act which in the opinion of management creates a conflict of interest.
All employees using their personal vehicles for business must maintain insurance as
required by the State of Colorado. Insurance for the personal vehicle is the responsibility
of the employee and is not provided by the Firm. No employee is allowed or authorized
to conduct Firm business if they do not have the required insurance. If the employee’s
insurance lapses, they must notify their supervisor immediately. Management reserves the
right to request proof of insurance at any time.
Employees will be reimbursed at the prevailing Federal mileage rate per mile while on Firm
business. Additionally, all necessary business expenses will be reimbursed when submitted
with proper backup to management.
Employees are expected to comply with all laws when operating vehicles.
Employees are permitted to participate in outside work activities unless the activities
conflict with the Firm’s interest. Certain types of outside employment may result in a
conflict of interest.
Before accepting part-time employment, an employee must consult management. The
decision of management as to whether outside employment conflicts with the Firm’s
interest is final. In general, outside work activities are not allowed when they:
A. Prevent the employee from fully performing work for which they are employed
by the Firm, including overtime assignments; or