8 hours of Administrator
Academy credit (AA #1568)!
IASA Director of
Communications Michael
Chamness presents a course
designed to offer tips on how to
develop messages for your
community and the media, how
to handle crisis communications,
how to spread the good news
that is happening in your school
district and how to develop a
communications plan. The
course includes:
3 hours in-person training, with video examples of best and
worst practices and participation in mock press conferences
involving real-world school issues
5 hours of homework, the end result being a written
communications plan for your school district -- a project that
can be undertaken as a school district team of administrators
Contact Mary Ellen Buch at 217.753.2213
mbuch@iasaedu.orgto schedule an Academy in your area
Developing a Communications Plan
Teacher Recruiting and Retention Task Force asks superintendents
to fill out survey about impact of Tier II pension law on teacher pool
The Teacher and Recruiting and Retention Task Force is asking school superintendents to fill out a Tier II
pension survey to help the task force analyze the potential impact of the implementation of Tier II pension
benefits on the teaching profession.
The task force was created by the 98
General Assembly (House Joint Resolution 27) to study the impact
of Tier II pension benefits on the ability of school districts to recruit and retain teachers in public schools. Re-
sults of the survey will be the foundation for a report ISBE must submit to the General Assembly this fall. The
survey window will remain open until May 1.
To complete the survey, please click
here .If you have any questions about the survey, please contact
Vince Camille at
vcamille@isbe.net .