Surgical Recall,
7th Edition
Lorne Blackbourne
Written in a rapid-fire question-and-answer format,
Surgical Recall
is a popular,
high-yield reference for students performing surgical rotations. This portable
resource addresses both general surgery and surgical subspecialties and
provides accurate, on-the-spot answers. The book’s popular two-column format
provides questions on the left and answers on the right to facilitate quick
This edition is packed with survival tactics and tips for success on the boards
and wards, as well as key information for anyone new to the surgical suite.
978-1-4698-5575-2 / 824 pp / 365 illus / 2014
Advanced Surgical Recall,
4th Edition
Lorne Blackbourne
Written in rapid-fire question-and-answer format,
Advanced Surgical
, Fourth Edition provides a quick, efficient review of commonly tested
information covered on the ABSITE and Oral Board exams. This portable
quick-reference contains detailed illustrations of anatomic landmarks, concise
coverage of surgical techniques, and a practical two-column format with
questions on the left and answers on the right.
The Fourth Edition offers an increased focus on ABSITE review throughout,
including a new Rapid Fire Review for the ABSITE section that provides quick
sample cases to test recall.
978-1-4511-1653-3 / 912 pp / 2014