Anatomy & Physiology Made Incredibly Easy!
4th Edition
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Anatomy & Physiology Made Incredibly Easy,
4th Edition presents the vast,
sometimes overwhelming details of anatomy and physiology in the enjoyable,
user-friendly, award-winning Incredibly Easy! style. Featuring a 4-color
interior and using light-hearted humor throughout, the text reviews the core
concepts of anatomy and physiology and offers detailed coverage of every
major body system, along with nutrition, fluids and electrolytes, reproduction
and lactation, and genetics. The “Practice Makes Perfect” section showcases
NCLEX-style questions, and the book also includes pocket-sized study cards for
on-the-go review.
978-1-4511-4726-1 / 384 pp / 436 full colour illus, 3 tables / 2012
Human Form, Human Function
Thomas McConnell and Kerry Hull
Human Form, Human Function
is the first essential level text that seamlessly
weaves together form (anatomy) with function (physiology), an approach that
caters to how instructors teach and students learn. Real-life case studies are
incorporated for learning how form and function are linked. Through careful
organisation, presentation, and a conversational narrative, the authors have
maintained a sharp focus on communication: between body organs and body
systems, between artwork and student learning, between content and student
978-1-4511-7670-4 / 736 pp / 879 illus / 2011
Anatomy & Physiology Made Incredibly Easy,
5th Edition
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
978-1-4963-5916-2 / 400 pp / 500 illus / Aug 2017