Cardiovascular Care
Cardiovascular Care Made Incredibly Easy!
3rd Edition
Mary Ann McLaughlin
This completely updated Third Edition of
Cardiovascular Care Made Incredibly
is the ideal reference for those entering or needing a refresher in
cardiovascular nursing care. This book brings together the knowledge nurses
need to be confident in cardiovascular care, including cardiovascular anatomy
and physiology; assessment; diagnostic testing; hemodynamic monitoring;
electrocardiogram performance and interpretation; medications; synchronized
cardioversion; care of patients with IABP counterpulsation, ICDs, pacemakers,
and VADs; and preoperative and postoperative care for patients with MIDCAB,
CABG, and balloon angioplasty.
978-1-4511-8884-4 / 352 pp / 30 illus / 2014
ECG Interpretation Made Incredibly Easy!
6th Edition
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ECG Interpretation Made Incredibly Easy!
is a practical reference that uses
a unique, conversational writing style to break down complex concepts.
Each chapter features: a summary of key points; clear, simple explanations
of problems; definitions of key terms; illustrations that clearly explain key
concepts; bullets, ballot boxes, and checklists that make it easy to spot
important points at a glance; sidebars that highlights key facts about ECG
interpretation; and quick quizzes to test knowledge.
978-1-4963-0690-6 / 392 pp / 662 illus, 50 tables / Nov 2015
ECG Workout,
6th Edition
Jane Huff
ECG Workout
is an excellent guide to rhythm analysis that builds on the
student’s knowledge in a step-by-step fashion to broaden understanding
of essential ECG concepts and hone the skills necessary to confidently and
accurately interpret ECG waveforms. Coverage includes cardiac anatomy and
physiology, electrophysiology, waveforms, arrhythmias, and pacemakers. The
book includes over 600 ECG strips illustrating a wide variety of conditions, end-
of-chapter practice tests, a comprehensive post-test, a glossary, and answer
keys at the back of the book.
978-1-4511-1553-6 / 384 pp / 600 illus, 10 tables / 2011