Nursing Diagnosis: Application to Clinical Practice,
15th Edition
Lynda Carpenito
Now in its 15th edition, this respected resource offers definitive guidance
on key elements of nursing diagnosis, its role in the nursing process, and
its application to clinical practice. Section 1 thoroughly explains the role of
nursing diagnosis in the nursing process and in care planning. Section 2 offers
a comprehensive A-to-Z guide to current nursing diagnoses, including the most
recent diagnoses approved by NANDA International for 2015-2017. Section 3
focuses on collaborative problems.
978-1-4963-4494-6 / 1070 pp / 8 illus / Jul 2016
Handbook of Nursing Diagnosis,
15th Edition
Lynda Carpenito
Reflecting the challenges of ongoing rapid change in the nursing profession, this
15th edition of Lynda Carpenito’s respected resource offers definitive guidance
on nursing diagnosis, its role in the nursing process, and its application to
clinical practice. Nursing diagnoses define the science and art of nursing; this
vital book gives nurses-in-training the information they need for creative
clinical nursing practice from assessment criteria to specific interventions.
978-1-4963-5369-6 / 960 pp / 2 illus, 1 table / Aug 2016