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our legislators before 1834 had been that " good

malt and hops could injure nobody."

From '34 to '45 there was great activity in

the temperance ranks throughout the world ;

and in '53 the 'United Kingdom Alliance for

the Legislative Suppression of the Liquor Traffic

was formed, its first president being Sir W. C.


In March '64 a Permissive Pro

hibitory Bill was brought into the House of

Commons, but although repeatedly re-introduced

it never obtained a second reading. Nor is it

likely that such a Bill will ever become law as

long as the sons of Britannia are living outside

a state of slavery. Repressive legislation serves

only to stimulate that which it claims to check ;

and thus it is that these would-be reformers,

whether Prohibitors of the Drink Traffic,

Vigilance and Purity Societies, and Anti-

gambling Societies have succeeded in making the

state of London infinitely worse, as regards

drunkenness, chastity, and betting, than it was

forty years ago.

Poor frail humanity will always do the thing

which it ought not to do in preference to fulfil

ling its obligations. It has been so since the

beginning of the world, and will continue so

until the end.

Forbidden fruit has ever been the

sweetest; and it is characteristic of mankind—

and more especially of womankind—to oppose, as

far as they can, any attempt at restraint. What

has been the effect of closing Cremorne Gardens,

the Argyll Rooms, and other public resorts

where dancing and revelry were carried on until

the small hours, five - and- twenty years ago ?