The recipe continues: " Half a pint of rum is
sometimes added, but it is then very intoxicating."
But sans rum whence the Rum Booze ?
Port wine is sometimes substituted for white
wine, but is nor considered so palatable. This
liquor should be drunk when quite hot. If the
wine be poured boiling hot among the eggs, the
mixture will become curdled.
Without the rum the mixture is one form of
Egg Flip.
When treating of gin I should have men
tioned that at one well-known City hostelry
" The Olde Cheshyre Cheese" in Wine Office
Court, Fleet Street, gin is never known by any
other name than "rack." Why, I know not.
But in the same old tavern should you require
Scotch whisky you must call for " Scotch," with
out mentioning the word whisky ; and if Irish
" Cork " is the password.
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