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A Crimean Cup for a much smaller party can

be made, without the addition of orgeat,

follows :—


Put the peel of half a lemon or orange into a

bowl, add a tablespoonful of sifted sugar, one small

glassful of maraschino, half that quantity of cura^oa,

and a wine-glassful of old brandy. Mix well

together, and add two bottles of aerated water, one

bottle of champagne, and a block of ice.

Race-day Cup,

Dissolve a quarter of a pound of sugar in a quarter

of a pint of water, add the juice of two lemons, one

wine-glassful of brandy, halfa wine-glassful of cherry

brandy, a dash of maraschino, and a bottle of cham

pagne. Add also a small piece of cucumber-peel,

two sprigs of borage, two thin slices of lemon, four

strawberries, four brandy-cherries, and two bottles of

Seltzer water ; stir well, and ice for an hour after

covering up the bowl. Before serving put in a

block of ice, and serve in tumblers.

Loving Cup.

Better a little flavoured brandy-and-water

where love is than a Crimean Cup or a Halo

Punch amidst bickerin'gs and vexation of spirit.

Rub the rind of two oranges on loaf-sugar and

put the sugar into a bowl; add half a pint of

brandy, the juice of one lemon, one-third of a pint

of orange juice, and one pint of water. Add more

sugar if required, and ice well.

I don't know if the above is the way the

Loving Cup at the Mansion House is made ;