Results of Examinations:
At the Preliminary Examination, held
upon 4th and 5th October, the following
passed the examination, and their names
are arranged in order of merit:—
1. James F. Fitzpatrick.
2. Fintan M. O'Connor.
3. Walter F. Hannan.
4. Michael Hogan.
Patrick J. M'Crystal, Maurice F. Noonan
and .Michael Tynan passed the modified
Preliminary Examinations for which they
had liberty to present themselves.
Eleven candidates attended; seven
passed ; four were postponed.
At the Final Examination for appren
tices, held upon 9th, 10th and llth October,
the following passed the examination, and
their names, are arranged in order of merit:
1. Thomas J. Kelly, B.A., N.TJ.I.
2. Gerard IS". Reddin.
3. Thomas S. Colbert.
4. William E. O'Keilly.
5. Richard J. Kelly, B.A., N.XJ.I.
6. John M. Cronin.
7.. William F. Nally.
8. William P. Wall.
9. Cyril F. McCay.
10. Charles G. MacMahon, B.A., T.C.B.
The Council awarded Special Certificates
to Thomas J. Kelly, B.A., N.U.I., and
Gerra'rd N. Beddin.
Fifteen candidates attended: ten
passed,; five were postponed.