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April 2016



he North West Department of

Local Government and Human

Settlements says it is optimis-

tic that the White Paper on Human

Settlements will help to improve its

provision of integrated human settle-

ments in the province.

The department recently held a

two-day policy consultative work-

shop, which will contribute towards

the creation of the Human Settle-

ments Act.

The objective of the provincial

workshop is to reach consensus on

the human settlements policy and

Human Settlements White Paper


he recent Blok build has a

strong focus on compact urban

living, with space maximised

throughout the apartment building’s

design, both inside and out, and a

communal feel that will encourage

neighbourly interaction.

The eco-friendly focus of the Blok

team is evident in the green construc-

tion methods and materials used.

This ethos extends right intomobility

with the installation of electric ve-

hicle charging stations to encourage

more people to drive less, or at the

least drive electric. The building is an-

gled at 45 degrees, thus ensuring that

the north and west sun’s rays equally

benefit all apartments to maximise

light and warmth for all residents.

The newest addition to the ever expanding Blok property portfolio is

Nineons, 23 apartments, located between Somerset and High Level

Roads in Green Point, Cape Town.

Urban apartments

The building’s vertical fins (a promi-

nent design feature) offers privacy to

each unit and a strong architectural

aesthetic. This perfect storm of de-

sign features; from the liberal use

of glass to maximise the incredible

light quality and views, to the modi-

fied angle of the building that allows

for an open frontal facade whilst still

maintaining privacy behind and has

resulted in a building with a strong

and interesting aesthetic depending

on the angle from which it is viewed.

“We have found Green Point’s

community incredibly open to the

ethos of shared spaces and working

together for the good of the greater

neighbourhood, and used this when

conceptualising the NINEONS de-

sign. With the theme of the building

strongly on compact living and the

overwhelming demand for urban

apartments in this area, it was im-

perative that we deliver an excellent

product while utilising compact de-

sign andduality inorder to accommo-

date more people,” says Jacques van

Embden, ManagingDirector of Blok.

legislative proposals, determinewhat

requires improvement and develop

new proposals where necessary.

Theworkshopwas attendedby the

national department, sector depart-

ments and local municipalities. Other

targeted structures for consultation

include government agencies, non-

governmental organisations, the

private sector, academia, civil society

and professional bodies.

Investigations, research, reviews

and evaluations on human settle-

ments policy and programmes have

identified numerous shortcomings in

policy and programme implementa-

tion. This includes the challenges

identified with the high cost of well-

located land for human settlements

development; and escalating costs of

government’s developments as well

as the poor quality of construction

and lack of civil society involvement.

It is necessary says Magwetyana to

address dolomitic areas, rural areas

and economic sustainability in the

mining belt, bulk infrastructure and

the role of municipalities.

The Human Settlements Act is en-

visaged to come into effect in 2017.