ESTRO 36 2017
Median follow up was 65 months. We observed 16 local
failures, transferring into a 5-year-LC rate of 69%. Median
time to onset of a local recurrence was 18 months (6-60
months). LC was significantly influenced by disease
situation (primary vs recurrent), T stage and use of
additional chemotherapy in univariate analysis. Distant
failures were found in 21 patients, resulting in a 5-year-
DC rate of 65%. Median time to onset of distant failure was
17 months (3-52 months). Gender, age and type of surgery
were significantly associated with DC in univariate
analysis. Actuarial 5-year rates of FFTF and OS were 44%
and 76%, respectively. While FFTF was only influenced by
use of CHT, OS was significantly associated with type of
surgery and timing of EBRT in univariate analysis.
However, according to multivariate analysis none of the
mentioned factors remained significant for any endpoint.
Secondary amputations were needed in 9 patients (13%).
Good functional outcome was achieved in 72%.
Combination of IOERT and EBRT achieves high local control
rates and good overall survival with encouraging rates of
preserved limb function even after R1- resections.
However, results are worse compared to R0-resections
indicating that even IOERT and EBRT cannot fully
compensate an unfavourable surgical outcome.
Multivariate analysis failed to identify further prognostic
EP-1377 Single institutional experience of the
treatment of angiosarcoma of the scalp
H. Ihara
, K. Katsui
, K. Hisazumi
, S. Sugiyama
, K.
, T. Waki
, T. Kaji
, N. Katayama
, M.
, O. Yamasaki
, K. Iwatsuki
, S. Kanazawa
Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine-
Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Department of
Proton Beam Therapy, Okayama, Japan
Okayama University Hospital, Department of Radiology,
Okayama, Japan
Tsuyama Chuo Hospital, Department of Radiology,
Tsuyama, Japan
Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine-
Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Department of
Dermatology, Okayama, Japan
Japanese Red Cross Society Himeji Hospital,
Department of Radiology, Himeji, Japan
Purpose or Objective
To retrospectively analyze the treatment results of
angiosarcoma of the scalp.
Material and Methods
This study included 22 patients (15 men, 7 women; median
age 78.5 years, range 34 – 91 years) with angiosarcoma of
the scalp and who received radical radiation therapy
between January 2000 and July 2016 at our institution.
Four patients had cervical lymph node metastases. One
patient had only one lung metastasis. The median
radiation dose was 70Gy (range, 52–70), and the fractional
dose was 2Gy. Radiation therapy alone or a combination
of surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy and
immunotherapy were administered. Taxane (paclitaxel
and/or docetaxel) was used in 17 patients. Concurrent
chemoradiation with taxane was administered in 14
patients. The overall survival (OS), progression-free
survival (PFS) and local control (LC) rates were calculated
using Kaplan-Meier analysis. Univariate analyses of various
potential prognostic factors for OS rate, PFS rate, and LC
rate were performed.
The median follow-up period was 14.5 months (range, 3.0–
102.0). Local recurrence occurred in 6 patients. Distant
recurrence was observed in 13 patients. OS rate was 78%
at 1 year, 36% at 3 years. PFS rate was 38% at 1 year, 31%
at 3 years. LC rate was 72% at 1 year, 62% at 3 years. One
patient could not achieve the planned radiation therapy
because of grade 3 dermatitis and delirium. In univariate
analysis, age
75 was a significant prognostic factor for OS
(P=0.015). Cervical lymph node metastasis was a
significant prognostic factor for PFS (P=0.006). LC had no
significant prognostic factor. In 17 patients without lymph
node metastases or lung metastases, concurrent
chemoradiation with taxane was a significant prognostic
factor for PFS (P=0.018).
Multimodality therapies including radiation therapy were
EP-1378 The Role of Radiation Therapy in the
Treatment of Hemangiopericytoma/ Solitary Fibrous
Y.Y. Chiang
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Proton and Radiation
Therapy Center, Taoyuan City, Taiwan
Purpose or Objective
Hemangiopericytoma (HPC)/ Solitary fibrous tumors
are rare soft-tissue tumors of mesenchymal
origin, and originate in a variety of anatomical locations.
There is little consensus regarding the role of
radiotherapy. Here is a review of treatment approach and
clinical outcome from a tertiary referral hospital.
Material and Methods
Retrospective analysis was performed. Patients evaluated
at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital with diagnosis of
hemangiopericytoma/ solitary fibrous tumor between
1996 and 2015 were identified. Patient records were
reviewed to collect data on demographics, tumor
characteristics, treatment modalities, survival, and length
of follow-up. The extent of surgery, tumor diameter,
radiation dose and techinique were recoded. Patterns of
failure were recoreded. Local control rate were
determined by recurrences after initial surgery or
radiotherapy. Patients who had surgery were compared
with patients who underwent preoperative or
postoperative RT or RT alone.
We identified 42 patients with diagnosis of SFT/HPC.
Thirty-five patients were avalible for clinical data and
follow up information. Out of 35 patients, 20 (57%) were
female and 15 (43%) were male, with a median age of 46.8
years (range, 21-76). Anatomical locations included
intracranial 10(29%) and extracranial 25(71%) (head &
neck 6, thorax 5, spine 4, pelvis 1, extremities 5, orbit 4).
Among 34 patients who received surgery at our institution,
27(80%) paitents achieved gross total resection(GTR) and
7(20%) received subtotal resection(STR). The other one
patients received palliative chemotherapy at our
institution. There are 13 patients who received RT: 5 in
adjuvant setting with initial postoperative RT , 7 in salvage
setting, and 1 palliative setting. Doses ranged from 40-66
Gy with 2 Gy per fraction, and one of the patient receiving
16 Gy SRS. RT techinique included IMRT (7), VMAT (3), 3D
conformal (1), electron beamRT(1). Median follow-up time
is 73 months (range, 4-252 months).Thirty one (89%)
patients were alive, and 4(11%) patients were dead. Five
and 10 years OS were 95.7%, and 82.2%,
respectively.Recurrence occurred in 10 patients ( 29%), 6
locally, 1 distantly and 3 both locally and distantly. Of 10
patients who experienced recurrences, 9 of the cases were
intracranial HPC, and 1 were of head & neck origin. Local
recurrence occurred in 9 of the pts (26%): 4 after surgery,
5 after surgery and postoperative RT. LC rate at 3 and 5
years were 89.8% and 68.4% respectively. For the group of
pts who receive surgery only with comparison to surgery
and RT, the 5-year of LC and OS were 74.2%, 64.8%(p=.56),
and 90.9%, 100%(p=.73).For the group of pts who receive
GTR with comparison to STR, the 5-year of LC and OS were
68.6%, 45.7% (P=.31) and 100%, 100% (p=0).