ESTRO 36 2017
Once the dUVH was created in terms of uptake values
(Fig.1.bottom left) the histogram was normalized to the
uptake value of the very first peak assuming to correspond
to the normal rectal tissue glucose uptake. Subsequently,
the maximum S/B ratios were sampled for all patients
(Fig.1.bottom right). Table 1 represents results of two-
sample paired t-test indicating that patients with
complete response to radiation (pT0) have higher and
significantly different S/Bmax when compared to non-
responders. While there are some contradictory data in
the literature in regards to SUVmax and clinical outcomes,
our results are in agreement with notion that more
aggressive tumors (that spend longer periods of time in M
phase, known to be more radiosensitive) have better
response to
While the dUVH method was initially developed to extract
different biological sub-volumes (glucose phenotypes)
within tumors, results presented here suggest that the
same method can help in defining the background uptake
on PET images. The method described here shows an
alternative to sampling the background (normal) uptake
within contralateral (healthy) tissue in the case of paired
organs (lung, brain, etc). Furthermore, reconstructed
S/Bmax values may prove to represent a prognostic factor
of tumor response to radiation and hence allow for
tailoring of more patient specific treatment strategies.
EP-1702 Evaluation of radiation induced MRI intensity
change in vertebral bodies after proton beam scanning
L. Placidi
, R. Poel
, A.J. Lomax
, D.C. Weber
, M. Peroni
Paul Scherrer Institute PSI, Centre for Proton Therapy,
Villigen PSI, Switzerland
Purpose or Objective
This retrospective study aims at evaluating the magnetic
resonance intensity bone change (MRiBC) [Gensheimer et
al. 2009] induced by pencil beam scanning (PBS) proton
treatment. Two fundamental aspects are tackled: (i) the
MRI signal reproducibility, especially if the imaging is
performed at different time points, with the goal of
enhance/visualize the signal changes; (ii) correlation of
MRiBC with the dose distribution, for the purpose of
identifying a cumulative dose threshold.
Material and Methods
Data of three patients treated at PSI where target was
involving or immediately next the spinal cord resulting
in an evident bone change (fatty replacement) after the
treatment was selected. All patients received a pre- and
a post-treatment MRI and a subset of the acquired
sequences (T2 space transversal,T1 vibe dixon transversal
with contrast media) were included into this
analysis. Rigid registration on the bony structure has been
performed in the region of interest of the bone change
between the planning CT and the MRIs (T1 and T2
sequences), both pre and post treatment. To generate a
differential map enhancing only the fatty replacement, it
is important that same tissues have the same signal across
the different time points. Therefore, we evaluated the
stability of MRI signal pre- and post- treatment on
vertebral bodies outside the treatment area. Finally, the
post treatment MR Intensity was correlated with dose
Variations in signal intensity of the same ROI and in
different acquisition days show a mean value of the mean
signal intensity difference of 50 and a max-min difference
of 130 (grey intensity scale). Therefore, generating a
reliable subtraction map is extremely difficult with
conventional sequences. For the considered 3 cases, the
correlation between the MRiBC and dose distribution looks
good for all 3 patients (Fig. 1). In this case, the bone
change lies between the 20%-30% isodose line.
MRI signals are not quantitative enough to use and it is
difficult to manipulate MRI settings to make it more
quantitative. Image processing, as normalisation,
smoothing, etc., can lead to a substantial variation of the
original data set and shows relevant signal histogram
differences. A possible common solution could be a
quantitative MRI sequences (as a T2 relaxation time map),
that is already under investigation and could reduce signal
variation of an order of magnitude. As the dataset at our
disposal is consisting of pre- and post-treatment MRIs only,
it is difficult to say whether bone marrow change is more
like a threshold or if there is in fact a useable gradient. In
order to monitor the onset of the fatty replacement, track
it during the entire process and better correlate it to the
delivered dose, periodic MRI acquisition during treatment
is necessary. Nevertheless, for these patients, it is clear
that there is a correlation between MRiBC and dose.
Electronic Poster: Physics track: Images and analyses