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F r . A l s t r u p ( K o n s t r u k t ø r ) ..................................... 1 8 4 5 — 1893.

H ø e g ........................................................................................ 1 8 4 9 — 1852. ( P r . )

O le s e n ..................................................................................... 1 8 4 9 — 1854.

S o e tm a n n ( S t u d .) ........................................................ 18^8-— 1853.

(K a n to r ve d G arnisons K irk e .)

W e s t e r b o ............................................................................ 1 8 5 2 — 1855. ( P r . )

A . H a n s e n ( S e m . ) ........................................................ 1 8 5 2 — 1867.

(K a n to r ve d Jo ha nn es K irk e .)

C la u s e n (c a n d . p h il.) ................................................ 1 8 5 4 — 1856.

R o s e n ..................................................................................... 1 8 5 5 — 1856.

F r i t z (c a n d . p h i l . ) ........................................................ 1 8 5 6— 1891.

M u n k (s tu d . p o l y t . ) ...................................................... 1 8 5 6 — 1866. ( j- )

M ø l le r (c a n d . p o ly t .) ....................................... ..

1 8 6 6 — 1875.

(S enere B e s tyre r a f B o rg e rd yd sko len .)

E . R o ls t e d ( S e m . ) ......................................................... 1 8 7 5 — 1883.

(F o rs t. f. Aandssvageanst. p. gi. B akkehus.)

N . P . K r is t ia n s e n (S e m .) ..................................... 1 8 8 0 — 1883.

M a th ie s e n ( S e m . ) ........................................................ 1 8 8 3 — 1889.

H . R o ls t e d (c a n d . p h i l . ) .......................................... 1 8 8 3— 1895.

(V ic e s k o le d ire k tø r i K b h v n .)

P . A n d e r s e n ( S e m . ) ................................................... 1 8 8 9— 1893.

A .

T . H ø y ....................................................................... 1891.

J . O . D . M a r t o n ........................................................ 1893.

(Insp ektionsh. fra 1897.)

S ta m p e ( S e m . ) ................................................................. 1 8 9 3 — 1894.

W is s e n b e r g ...................................................................... 1 8 9 4 — 1899. ( P r . )

W i b e r g .................................................................................. 1 8 9 5 — 1897.

(L æ re r paa B lin d e in stitu tte t.)

H . H e lm s (c a n d . p o ly t., k o n s t . ) ....................... 1 8 9 7 — 1897.

S . N is s e n ( k o n s t . ) ........................................................ 1 8 9 7— 1897.

H e r s k in d ............................................................................ 190 0— 1903. ( P r . )

N æ s t e d .................................................................................. 1903.