Summer 2018 Newsletter of the FCIAAO
Summer 2018
Florida Chapter of IAAO
Staying Appraised
As you will see in this issue, there are some exciting apprais-
al events coming up in the near future.
The IAAO will hold it’s 84th Annual Conference on Septem-
ber 23rd - 26th in Minneapolis, Minnesota. There will be lots
of great educational opportunities. The keynote speaker
will be Jack Dangermond, founder and president of Envi-
ronmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI). Join the Flori-
da Chapter as we go for our record breaking 21st Out-
standing Chapter of the Year Award! Support IAAO Presi-
dent and FCIAAO Past President Dorothy Jacks, CFA, AAS
as she presides over the conference. Check out page 3
for more information on this event.
The Florida Chapter will hold its annual Education Week
December 2nd - 7th at the Embassy Suites Orlando Lake
Buena Vista South in Kissimmee. Our TPP Steering Commit-
tee is working hard to put together a great seminar. Addi-
tionally 2 two and a half day workshops will be offered.
Check out page 4 for more information on this event.
President’s Message
IAAO Conference Info
FCIAAO Education Week Info
IAAO Class Calendar
IAAO Election News
Prof. Des. Spotlight
IAAO Committee News
Member Spotlight
Prof. Des. Committee
Job Opportunities