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PCI Details

PCI Benefits

Project changes the capability to transmit gas across the borders of the member states concerned by at least 10%, compared to the situation

prior to the commissioning of the project, Project concerns investment in reverse flow capacity

General Criteria Fulfilled


Specific Criteria Fulfilled

Competition, Market Integration, Security of Supply, Sustainability

Specific Criteria Fulfilled Comments

Market Integration The project provides significant contribution to Market Integration as it allows to interconnect Cyprus and Crete to

European gas network system. Security of Supply The contribution of EastMed project to Security of Supply is particularly relevant as it

provides diversification of sources, routes and counterparts, providing solutions to the disruption scenarios. An additional benefit will be

provided by enabling the gasification of Cyprus, Crete and Western Greece. Competition The EastMed project will enhance market competition

along the whole gas chain, including among producers. The new gas will compete, to the advantage of the consumer, with all existing supplies

available in the European markets, enhancing the benefits arising from a better diversified market. Sustainability The Eastmed project will

provide competitive gas supply, contributing to displace power production from Coal and Oil, reducing CO2 emissions per energy unit


Pipelines and Compressor Stations

Pipeline Section

Pipeline Comment

Diameter (mm) Length (km) Compressor Power (MW)

EastMed pipeline: section from Crete to Peloponnese

his offshore pipeline section is designed to transport 320

GWh/d of natural gas form the Levantine Basine and can be

upgraded for further 190 GWh/d of natural gas from the

offshore of Crete in case relevant reserves will be discovered.




EastMed pipeline: section from Cyprus to Crete

This section of the project is related to the offshore pipeline

between Cyprus and Crete.




EastMed pipeline: section from Levantine Basin to Cyprus

This offshore pipeline section will tansport 350GWh/d to

Cyprus where it will deliver 30 Gwh/d for the internal

consumption and the remaing 320GW/d will be exported to

Greece via Crete.



EastMed pipeline: section from West Greece to


This offshore pipeline section is designed to transport 320

GWh/d of natural gas form the Levantine Basine and can be

upgraded for further 190 GWh/d of natural gas from the

offshore of Crete in case relevant reserves will be discovered.



EastMed: section from Peloponnese to West Greece

This offshore pipeline section is designed to transport 320

GWh/d of natural gas form the Levantine Basine and can be

upgraded for further 190 GWh/d of natural gas from the

offshore of Crete in case relevant reserves will be discovered.






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Page 238 of 620

Current TYNDP : TYNDP 2017 - Annex A

Southern Corridor GRIP 2017–2026 Annex B |