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A sample of case study submissions
which resulted in these honors are
as follows: Josh Perry, Environmental
Scientist, for the successful treatment
of filamentous algae blooms in an 8
acre public park pond in Shrewsbury,
Massachusetts that receives a signifi-
cant amount of fertilizer runoff and has
historically been plagued by severe
algae blooms.
J. Wesley Allen, Environmental
Scientist and Territory Leader, and Gavin
Ferris, Ecologist, for their successful treat-
ment of fragrant white water-lily in a
community’s 0.5 acre stormwater pond
in Bel Air, Maryland with 100 percent
aquatic weed coverage.
Shannon Junior, Aquatic Ecologist
and Senior Business Development
from page 18.
Consultant, for the successful treatment
of a 0.6 acre private horse farm pond
in Brentsville, Virginia to reduce the
thick growth of duckweed, watersh-
ield and bladderwort.
Jason Luce, Lake Management
Scientist and Certified Lake Manager,
for the successful treatment of dense
cladophora algae, as well as slender
pondweed growth and filamentous
algae growth, in a 1.2 care commu-
nity pond in Aberdeen, Maryland.
Kyle Finerfrock, Environmental
Scientist, for the successful treatment
of parrot feather, a nuisance aquatic
weed which was limiting recreational
use in a community’s 2.75 acre pond
in Mineral, Virginia.
Greg Blackham, Aquatic Specialist,
for the successful treatment of a 4
acre stormwater pond, in Lewes,
Delaware, that was plagued with spi-
rogyra and pithophora algae blooms
and low dissolved oxygen.
Hunter Poland, Environmental
Scientist, for the successful treatment
of persistent blue-green algae growth
which was making fishing, kayaking
and swimming nearly impossible in
a 6.9 acre private pond in Erie,
Doug Hawpe, Natural Resource
Specialist, for the successful treatment
of blue-green algae in a Homeowners’
Association’s 0.45 acre stormwater
pond in Mount Vernon, Virginia.
Derek Johnson, Certified Lake
Manager and Lake Management
Scientist, for the successful treatment of
a 0.2 acre private pond in Richmond,
Virginia with 100 percent planktonic
algae coverage.
Parker Hurst, Wildlife and Fisheries
Biologist, for the successful treatment
of filamentous algae growth in a
Homeowners’ Association’s 1.1 acre
stormwater pond in Hendersonville,
SOLitude Lake Management is pro-
vides full service lake and pond man-
agement services that improve water
quality, preserve natural resources,
and reduce our environmental foot-
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for ChapterTrends to:
Jaclyn Olszewski at