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in pushbroom-scanning hyperspectral

cameras is on the order of one hundred.

This feature yields very detailed

spectral information, which in turn

enables more reliable identification

and classification results. At the same

time, the maximum spatial resolution

is very high, and is determined by the

raw resolution of the sensor along

one dimension (typically 2048 − 4096

pixels), and the scanning speed along

the other dimension. It is important to

note that the high spectral and spatial

resolutions come at the expense of

the scanning requirements, and can

potentially lead to more complicated

application setups. The scanning

requirements, however, are often

intrinsic to the application, and

therefore this is not considered to be a

general disadvantage.

Snapshot Mosaic




cameras are very similar to standard

color cameras. The filter coating is

arranged as a mosaic of repetitive

tiles, but, contrary to the 2 × 2 Bayer

pattern, typically these tiles consist of

4 × 4 or 5 × 5 pixels. The individual

pixels in each of these tiles are coated

with narrowly-defined bandpass filters

(compare with Figure 2) Therefore,

the number of spectral bands is

significantly increased compared to

the traditional red, green, and blue

color channels. It is important to note

that this gain in spectral information

is accompanied with a decrease in

spatial resolution, which results from

the large size of the individual tiles in

the filter mosaic.

Typically, the resulting raw resolutions

are of the order of 500 × 250 pixels,

but can be increased with sophisticated

interpolation algorithms.

The complete spatial and spectral

information can be obtained in one

snapshot, as implied by the name,

and for this reason snapshot mosaic

hyperspectral cameras can be used

for conventional video acquisition, or

other applications where scanning is

not applicable. Consequently, snapshot

mosaic hyperspectral cameras are very

versatile and can be easily integrated

into virtually any application, as a

substitute for conventional color

cameras. These applications include

quality inspection, food sorting, tissue

analysis, endoscopy, and microscopy.

The only drawback of this “ease-of-

use” is the limited number of spectral

bands of approximately 20 compared

to over a 100 with pushbroom-

scanning cameras. However, often this

is still sufficient to address imaging

problems that cannot be solved with

normal color cameras.

Further considerations

Both the sensor designs explained

above do not put any special

constraints on employed lenses, other

than a high transmission and low

chromatic aberration over the spectral

range of interest. Consequently,

cameras with hyperspectral image

sensors can be readily equipped with

existing professional-grade machine

vision lenses.

The output of hyperspectral cameras

comes in the form of 3D data cubes,

with two spatial and one spectral

dimension, i.e., a full spectrum for each

pixel. The concept of this type of data

cube is depicted in Figure 3, where

x and y represent the well-known

spatial dimensions of the image and

the vertically arranged λ1..n represent

the n spectral bands. Note that a

significant amount of image post

processing is required to transform

the raw information into data that

can be further implemented for object

identification or classification.


It is now possible to implement

narrow-band spectral filters at

the pixel-level with semiconductor

thin-film processing. Hyperspectral

cameras using this technology can be

implemented as reliable, compact,

and easy-to-use systems that can

be integrated into many different

applications. These applications can

range from precision agriculture

supported by unmanned vehicles,

to robust discrimination between

tissue, nerves, and blood vessels

during non-invasive surgery. In

addition, this technology can also

significantly improve food sorting or

quality inspection, by providing more

detailed and accurate spectral data

than conventional color sensors.

Specifically, when combined with

powerful computing approaches

like neural networks, capable of

analyzing and extracting the desired

information from vast amounts of

raw data, hyperspectral cameras will

enhance virtually all applications in

which the color of the object plays a

crucial role.

Figure 3:

A 3D data cube, with x and

y representing spatial dimensions,

and λ1..n depicting n spectral bands.

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New-Tech Magazine Europe l 23