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Vice-President's Gold Medal

..................Mr. D. M. Cowling,

Vice-President's Silver Medal ..................Mr. L. V. Nolan,


Society's Sold Medal

..................Mr. J. L. Byrne,

Society's Silver Medal

..................Mr. E.P.McMorrow,


Society's silver Medal

..................Mr. J.L.Byrne,

Mr. Brendan O'Byrne proposed and Mr. Liam Oollins seconded a

vote of thanks to the outgoing Auditor and his Committee. Messrs. Durnin

and Boyd associated themselves with the vote of thanks. The Motion was

carried with acclamation.

Mr. Hory G'Connor proposed and Mr. O'Byrne seconded the

following Motion :- "That We the Members of this Society humbly petition

the Minister for Justice, to introduce, as soon as possible, legislation

to amend the Legal Practitioners (Qualification) Act 1929 in either of

two ways:- (a) By deleting from the Act all reference to a 'Second

Examination in Irish' for Solicitors' Apprentices, or (b) by making

provision to render less difficult such 'Second Examination in Irish".

Mr. 0'Connor proposing the Motion said that the very high standard

required in the Examination was an enormous handicap to Solicitors'

Apprentices who through no fault of their own had little knowledge of the

Irish language. He pointed out that having regard to the work to be done,

apprenticeship to be served, and examinations to be passed by those

becoming solicitors the addition of Irish to the curriculum renders the

task of solicitors' Apprentices excessively burdensome and consequently

lowers the standard of his or her knowledge of law. Mr. O'Byrne seconding

the Motion, suggested that the standard of the "First" Irish should be

raised, and that the "Second" Irish should be abolished. Messrs. Collins,

G-off and Hutley spoke for the Motion and Messrs. Doyle, Nolan, O'Sullivan

and MacEiteaghain spoke against the Motion. The Motion was declared


The House then adjourned.

SIGHED ... . 4 .*

President Incorporated Law Society

of Ireland.

BATED this 29th day of October 1941.