On Wednesday the lath day of May 1943
the closing
Meeting of t he byth So a a Ion was he Id in the Solicitors Building,
Pour Courts, Dublin. The Auditor Mr Louis V.Noian presided.
The Minutes of the previous meeting ware raad b^
the Record Secretary and signed without alteration by the Auditor
Mr O'Connor
the Treasurer presented his Re port
and Balance sheet. During the session about £
had passed
through the Treasurer's hands. All debts owing to the Society
iiad bean paid
and the Society in turn had discharged its debts,
leaving a balance to credit. On the proposal of M
seconded by Mr Dowling the House adopted the balance sheet
Report unanimously.
The A-uditor then s ubmitted for approval
ntefret k
Report hei'wou id-Vmaka
to the President of the Incorporated Law«Sociei
In !*« he outlined the work of
the Society during
the aassion
dealing with the debates and other functions mentioning as
outstanding feature of tne year the interest which had been.
taken in the Irish Debates. Having paid tribute to the
consideration shown to the Debating Society by Doth the President
and Secrjstaryof The Incorporated sLaw Society ne concluded bv
thanking the Committee and Members
for t ndr loyal support during
his t erm of office. Mr O'Sulllvan proposed
the adoption of
the Report; Mr Boyd
in seconding queried tha accuracy of the
Report in one respect. The Auditor having reassured him, the
Reportwas approved bv the House without dissent.
list of Members who had received
returned Ballot papers was read by the Record Secretary.
result of the election of Officers and Committee for
Session 1943-44 was declared as follows