First Year Speeches.
Society'3 Silver Medal
and Certificate
................. Mr. P. P. 0« Sullivan.
A List of those who had received and returned Ballot papers was read
by Hon.Corr.Sec.
The result of the election of Officers and Committee
for the Session 1939-40. was declared as follows.
................................... Mr. M.J.Egan,B. A.
Hon. Record Sec. ................................... Mr.P.J.Nutley.
................................... Mr.L.D.Boyd.
Hon. Treasurer
................................... Mr .D.M. Bowling.
Commit tee";-
Miss L. Pagan,B. A.
Miss A.Hyland,B.A.
Mr.A.Porrest Hussey,B.A.,LL.B. (Ex Auditor Ex Officio).
The new Auditor and Committee then entered into office. Mr.Egan,
the in- coming Auditor congratulated the out -going Auditor and
Committee on a very successful year of office. Mr.Hussey(Ex Auditor)
welcomed the new Auditor and Committee and wished them complete
success. Mr.Higgins proposed and Mr. Grotty seconded the following
Motion "That it is the considered opinion of this Society that for
the benifit of Apprentices who sincerely desire to obtain a satisfact-
ory knowledge of Law and Practice during their term of service, the
legal Practitioners' Qualification (Ireland) Act 1939 should be repeal-
ed .
An amendment to this motion was proposed by Miss Betty Kelly
which read "that; the standard of the preliminary Irish examination
be raised and that the second Irish examination be eliminated, except
for those who afterwards wished to practise within the Gaeltacth to
whom a Special certificate be awarded". After a long discussion the
motion was carried by 12 votes to 2.
in accordance with Rule 71 of the Rules and Seeding Orde/Sj
of the Society the Meeting terminated at eleven o'cloj