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or staple, to which it can be fastened, when beer is

being placed inside, so that the door will not con

stantly swing to, half closed. It is also wise to

put to the bottom of the bo.x, on the outside, good

solid metal plates about five or six inches high (the

height of the base), for the reason that it helps to

preserve the box and keeps out the rats and mice

who might otherwise gnaw into the box. It is to be

understood, naturally, that the bo.x should be kept

clean, and the bottom perfectly dry, and above all

things, a thermometer should be kept inside the box

that the temperature may be noted and as near as

possible, kept about even.

Naturally the next thing to be considered is the

handling of ice, and after it has been delivered, and

you are satisfied that the weight is correct, see that

it is washed clean before it goes into the box. Arti

ficial ice is preferable when it can be obtained, for

many reasons, the cakes are of a regular size, mak

ing it more convenient to handle, it is more whole

some, and it does not produce the same amount of

slime and dirt as the natural product. But to get

the best results from artificial ice the cakes should

not be placed close together, but a few inches apart,

so as to allow of a circulation of air. Keep plentv

of ice in the box, and do not allow the temperature

to change to any great extent.