Eagles Nest.
Mixing glass half full shaz'cd icc.
One tcaspoonful bar sugar, one-half a lemon, two
clashes Pej'chaucl bitters, two dashes Curacoa, one-
half jigger rye whiskey, one-half jigger Jamaica
rum; shake well, serve in sour glass with cherry
and slice of lemon; one dash of fizz on top.
San Toy
Punch glass 7i<ilh /rc'O small luinfs of icc.
One lump of sugar, three dashes lemon juice, one
jigger brandy; fill with claret, serve with fruit, small
bar spoon.
Monte Cristo.
Use medium bar glass ivith shaded icc.
One jigger imported dry sherry, one teaspoon
sugar, one-half pony Hennessey XXX brandy, one
egg; shake well and serve in a long glass such as is
used for liigh balls.
Use fancy fivc-ouncc glass full of shaved icc.
Take Creme de Violette, Creme de Rfenthe, des
Chasseurs and Anisette in proportion to fill the glass
two-thirds full; fill with cream and serve with straw
and spoon.