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The question of buj-ing stock is alwnys an impor

tant one, and it should be done in a business-like

waj'. I am assuming now that you own your place

and that there is no mortgage held by brewer or

liquor dealer. In the latter event you wdl have to

buy, to a certain extent, where you arc told to buy.

If you are a thorough business man you will buy

from the man who can suppb' you with the goods

you want at the lowest possible price, for, as has

been said before, you are in business to make money,

ahd one of the best ways to begin is to buy right.

Of course, buying cheaply is not always buying right,

unless yotr get the right quality. \on may have

friends in the wholesale business, but they may not

be able to supply you with the brand of goods your

trade calls for. Bear in mind that even though friend

ship is worth something, your customer has to be

taken into consideration. He knows what he wants,

and if he cannot get it from you he will probably go

somewhere else.