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The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.

[APRIL, 1916

application shall be dismissed or struck out,

as the Judge in his discretion shall think fit.

4.—An application under the Act shall be

made by notice of motion according to the

form in the Appendix, entitled " In the Matter

of the Increase of Rent and Mortgage Interest

(War Restrictions) Act, 1915," and setting

out the full names and addresses of the appli

cant and the respondent.

5.—Duplicate copies of the notice shall be

filed with the Clerk of the Peace three clear

days before the return day, and each applica

tion shall be entered by him in the Equity

Civil Bill book as if it were an equity civil


Service and Substituted Service.

6.—(1) The notice shall be served on

every person affected thereby six clear days

at least before the first day of the Sessions

at which the same is to be heard, unless the

judge at any time gives leave for shorter


(2)—Service shall be effected in the manner

prescribed for the service of equity civil bill

by the County Courts (Ireland) Orders, 1890,

or any amendment thereof; and the judge

may make such order for substitution of

service or deeming service already had to

be good service as he shall think just.

Evidence in Support of Application,

7. No affidavit in support of the applica

tion shall be used, except by leave of the

court, but the court shall hear oral evidence

tendered by either party.

Power to hear Cases in Private.


The court may at any stage of the

proceedings on an application under the Act

order that the case shall thenceforward be

heard in private.

[There is no rule numbered 9.]

Determination of Questions submitted.

10. On the hearing of the application, or

at any adjournment thereof, the court, on

proof of the service of the notice, if the

respondent does not appear, shall make such

order determination or order in the matter

as the court shall think fit.

Power to impose Conditions.

11. On an application for an order under

the second proviso





section 1 of the Act, the court may, after

considering all the circumstances of the case

and the position of all the parties, make or

refuse to make the order subject to such

conditions as the court may think fit.

Certificates or Orders on Applications.

12.—When the court has given its decision

on any application, a certificate of


determination of the court, or an order of

the court (as the case may be) shall be signed

by the judge and the Clerk of the Peace,

and shall be issued' to the party applying

for the same; and

in such certificate or

order the judge shall give such directions as

to the service of the certificate or order on

any other party and as to the mode of service

as he shall consider necessary.

Revocation or Variation of Orders.

13.—Any determination or order made

under the Act and these Rules may, should

subsequent circumstances render it just so

to do, be suspended, discharged, or otherwise

varied by the court in which the determination

or order was rhade, on application made on

notice in writing in accordance with the

County .Court (Ireland) Orders, 1890, as

amended by these Rules.

General Provisions as to Procedure on


14.—Subject to the provisions of the Act


these Rules

the practice and pro

cedure of the court in a civil bill, and in

particular the practice and procedure with

respect to subpoenas for witnesses, shall,

with the necessary modifications, apply to

proceedings on an application under the Act.

15.—(1) The following fees shall be pay

able in the County Courts, on applications

under the Act and these Rules, viz. :—

s. d.

On an application for the determina

tion of a question as



increase of rent of a dwelling


6d. in the


or part of a


calculated on 4 weeks' standard