machine,but in some establishments it is still measured
by band with a ladle.
Saumur is another district of France which pro
duces large quantities of sparkling white wine. It is
situated in the department of Maine-et-Loire. These
wines have been known for centuries, hut have been
made effervescent only since 1834.
The importation of champagne into the United
States in 1893,from January 1 to October 1, amounted
to 191,549 cases. The amount imported for a similar
period this year was 159,330. One dealer imported two
thousand cases more in 1894 than he did in 1893.
Mr. Charles Edwards adds some interesting matter
concerning champagne.
« * * ^ producers of Dry Monopole have
their offices in the Rue *de Sedan. I expected to find
myself in an atmosphere elevating with the diffused
bouquet of champagne. But the cellers of Messrs.
Heidsieck are a considerable distance from their offices,
and there was not so much as a cork visible in the place
to hint at the nature of the business here so extensively
conducted. Perhaps it is as well that it is so. It is said
that the very fumes of the cellars sometimes prove too
much for the head of a weakly man. And I myself