thoughtlessly,and pushing them out to customers care
lessly and ungraciously,it would not be proper to speak
of it as a polite vocation and a fine art, and 'twould be
useless for me to write on the theme; but I place it
among the more elegant employments of life, and to
carry on the business successfully requires the exercise
of those fiuer faculties that distinguish the cultured
artist from the crude novice,and which are so much
appreciated by gentlemen customers.
I feel confident that" I have produced a standard
work that comprehends the entire subject. It is not a
mere recipe book of mixtures more or less well known,
but it contains everything valuable "up to date." I
commend it not only to the trade,but to othersinterested
in the subject, and with the belief that there are*few
who will not find something of value in its pages.
Herbert W. Green.
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