"Faith is always a s earch, never an arrival."
These words best describe B.O.S.S. weekend.
Big Old Sharing Session was a new innova
tion on the USD campus. A few interested
students asked Fr. Ben Carrier how to start
such a project. They were referred to Fr.
Neal Dolan and BOSS was born. Fr. Larry
Dolan and Fr. John Malley joined the cause,
along with a group of ten students, Sr. Helen
Lorch and Sr. Dolores.
The student-initiated B.O.S.S. weekend
strove to achieve a closer rapport on cam
pus. The weekend was run on a loosely or
ganized schedule with various activities
aimed at developing an awareness of self and
one's relationship with others. Communica
tion, love, peace are words for application.
The purpose of the weekend was to demon
strate the "livability" of these ideals.
When students return on Sunday after
noons, changes can be noticed in them. Re
turning B.O.S.S. weekenders remembered
that "Happiness was born a twin-in order to
have it, you must share it."